

Risk Behavior for Gay Men

These questionnaires were used with the EXPLORE Project and cover social activity, attitude, PEP, drug use, and sexual behavior. Instruments:

Scoring: See data collection section of the EXPLORE study protocol. Reliability and/or validity: BA Koblin, MA Chesney, MJ Husnik, et al. High-Risk Behaviors among Men Who Have Sex with Men in 6 US Cities: Baseline Data from the EXPLORE Study. American Journal of Public Health. 2003 93: 926–932.


Risk Behavior and Health Care for HIV+ Injection Drug Users (INSPIRE Study)

These instruments were used to measure the effectiveness of the multisite INSPIRE Study (known as VOICE in San Francisco) and cover medication use and adherence, health care utilization, substance abuse, injection behavior, sexual behavior, partner relationships, and more. Instruments:

Scoring: N/A Reliability and/or validity: Purcell DW, Metsch LR, Latka M, Santibanez S, Gómez CA, Eldred L, Latkin CA, INSPIRE Study Group. Interventions for seropositive injectors—research and evaluation: an integrated behavioral intervention with HIV-positive injection drug users to address medical care, adherence, and risk reduction. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2004 Oct 1;37 Suppl 2:S110–8.


Risk Behavior and Health Care for HIV+ Injection Drug Users (SUDIS Study)

These instruments were used with the SUDIS Study and cover medication use and adherence, health care utilization, disclosure, alcohol and drug use, sexual behavior, partner relationships, social support, and more. Instruments:

Scoring: Included in instruments. Reliability and/or validity: Knight KR, Purcell D, Dawson-Rose C, Halkitis PN, Gómez CA, Seropositive Urban Injectors Study Team. Sexual risk taking among HIV-positive injection drug users: contexts, characteristics, and implications for prevention. AIDS Educ Prev. 2005 Feb;17(1 Suppl A):76–88.


Ways of Coping

The Ways of Coping questionnaire by Susan Folkman and Richard S. Lazarus is used to identify the thoughts and actions an individual has used to cope with a specific stressful encounter. Instruments:

Scoring: Included in English instrument Reliability and/or validity: Folkman S, Lazarus RS, Gruen RJ, and DeLongis A (1986). “Appraisal, coping, health status, and psychological symptoms.” Journal of Personality & Social Psychology 50(3): 571–579.


Female Condom Attitudes Scale

Instrument: Attitudes toward the female condom. File: download below.  Scoring: Included in article Reliability and/or validity: Neilands TB, Choi KH. A validation and reduced form of the Female Condom Attitudes Scale. AIDS Education and Prevention. 2002 Apr;14(2):158–71.