The Positive Project
The University of California, San Francisco’s Center for AIDS Prevention Studies and Prevention Research Center (CAPS/PRC) is proud to be the Positive Project’s home to facilitate research among people living with HIV. CAPS/PRC will continue the mission of the Positive Project by sharing the stories of people affected by HIV to raise awareness, reduce stigma, promote prevention, encourage testing, and enhance care and quality of life.
The archive contains over 3,000 videos from interviews with diverse individuals living with HIV whose stories address many current and emergent themes within HIV prevention and treatment. The videos have been edited and indexed and can be searched by topic, demographics, or both to facilitate research projects, making tailored materials for targeted audiences, and a vast range of other applications.
The videos are an excellent way to bring a diverse and personal “face” to various topics, connecting real-life perspectives to underscore the work CAPS/PRC is involved with and beyond.
The Positive Project’s video archive is available to the public and other researchers free of charge for non-commercial use. We hope that these interviews will continue to assist the community, public health and healthcare professionals, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders to achieve the goals outlined in the National HIV Strategy.
We thank the dedicated individuals who created the Positive Project and the generous people affected by HIV who shared their powerful experiences. This innovative project keeps a human face on the epidemic. We hope that the rich, first-person accounts contained in the archive will continue to inspire and inform the HIV community for years to come.