CAPS Developmental Core

The overarching objective of the CAPS Developmental Core is to support trainees and scientists in their efforts to conduct high-impact, innovative, timely HIV prevention research with the highest ethical standards in alignment with the CAPS mission. The HIV epidemic has changed dramatically in recent years, with advances in treatment and prevention transforming HIV from a terminal illness to one that can be treated and prevented effectively using a combination of methods. The social and behavioral aspects of developing, evaluating, and implementing new approaches to HIV prevention are profound. It is particularly important given CAPS’s goal to increase the number and capacity of investigators from underrepresented minority backgrounds who represent communities most burdened by HIV. CAPS is well positioned to optimize the integration of social, behavioral, clinical, and biomedical research to address current, emerging, and not-yet-imagined opportunities and imperatives in HIV prevention. The Developmental Core provides coordination for individual scientists at UCSF and affiliated institutions; and cohesion among scientists from varied disciplines, with diverse research interests, and from different institutional units. The core is in a unique position to support the innovative work proposed by the new Intervention & Implementation Science (I&I) Core. CAPS also serves as a platform to train and support the next generation of investigators, those who will address HIV prevention in coming phases of the epidemic.

Consults and Mentoring

We provide mentoring and consultation to CAPS researchers on topics such as career direction, program of research ideas, and personal–work life balance. Consultations are for faculty at all levels, faculty aspirants, and fellows. To schedule a consultation, please contact Rochelle Blanco or Mallory Johnson.


CAPS Town Halls, usually held from 11:00 am to Noon on Tuesdays (but sometimes at other times), focus on emerging issues and stimulate research innovation. Scientists and staff are strongly encouraged to attend. We hold different types of Town Halls, which may emphasize work of CAPS and other UCSF investigators; outside investigators and policy experts; and experts from community-based organizations. See this link for upcoming events.

Multi-disciplinary Interest Groups

These groups are organized to stimulate innovation in various areas. Groups usually meet monthly or quarterly as decided by the group members. For information about current groups, please contact Rochelle Blanco.

Innovative Grants Program

This program supports pilot studies with the theme of innovation in HIV/AIDS social-behavioral or policy research. The focus is on multidisciplinary work and populations at especially high risk for HIV. For details about the Innovative Grants Program specifically, click here. For information about other funding opportunities available through the UCSF Resource Allocation Program and application instructions, click here.

Peer Review

Peer review provides important opportunities for brainstorming, discussing scientific issues, and reviewing and contributing to each other’s work—manuscripts, grant proposals, and presentations—assuring that they are of the highest quality before they go out the door. All work supported by CAPS grants, conducted by CAPS investigators, or for publication anywhere CAPS is cited should go through the peer review system. Peer review also ensures that our work is relevant to and reflective of the needs of the community. The CAPS Community Advisory Board is notified of peer reviews, and members are normally invited to attend and offer feedback. See this link for details about the peer review system and to schedule a review. For other questions, please contact Stuart Gaffney or Parya Saberi.

Training Programs

We support the Traineeships in AIDS Prevention (TAPS), the International Traineeship in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS), the Collaborative HIV Prevention Research in Minority Communities (VP Program), and the Ujima Mentoring training programs. Click on each program name to learn more.

Core Staff