The Division of Prevention Science was established within the Department of Medicine (DOM) and is the administrative home of the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), the Prevention Research Center (PRC), the Center of Excellence (COE) for Transgender Health and, the Health Equity Action Network.
We are a highly productive, vibrant, and innovative group of scientists conducting cutting-edge, significant, high-impact prevention research. As prevention scientists, we are committed to understanding the etiology and prevention of social, structural, physical, and mental health problems to translate that knowledge to the promotion of health and well-being. We have a very strong record of training the next generation of prevention scientists, both domestic and international. Our solid community collaborations have ensured we remain an important resource making a significant impact at the local, state, national, and international levels.
Established in 1986, the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) at UC San Francisco is one of the world’s largest research centers dedicated to social, behavioral, and policy-science approaches to HIV. Learn more about our history, our faculty and staff, how our center is structured, and how to get in touch with us.
The Prevention Research Centers (PRCs) are a network of 25 academic research centers in 20 states that study how people and their communities can avoid or counter risks for chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, obesity, and cancer. The UCSF Prevention Research Center (PRC) became a part of that network in 2014 and was refunded for another five years in 2019, with a focus on addressing the significant HIV health disparities among transgender women and African Americans by strengthening community engagement and translating and disseminating HIV science. We are a proud member of the National PRC Network, funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The Center of Excellence for Transgender Health (CoE) advances health equity for trans and gender non-binary communities.
The Health Equity Action Network, UCSF Research Coordinating Center to Reduce Disparities in Multiple Chronic Diseases (RCC-RD-MCD), is a network of 11 regional centers, one national coordinating center, and 27 partner institutions across the U.S. working collaboratively to ensure the greatest impact on health equity challenges.