

Teen Peer Educators

The following surveys were used with the Healthy Oakland Teens project at an urban, ethnically diverse junior high school. The project’s goal is to reduce adolescents’ risk for HIV infection by using peer role models to advocate for responsible decision making, healthy values and norms, and improved communication skills. Adult and student evaluations of peer educators were conducted, but these are unfortunately unavailable. Instrument: Teen knowledge, attitude, behavior, belief (KABB) questionnaire Scoring: Please read the detailed description of the instruments Reliability and/or validity: Ekstrand ML, Siegel D, Nido V, Faigeles B, Krasnovsky F, Battle R, Cummings G, Chiment E, and Coates TJ (1996). Peer-led AIDS prevention delays sexual debut among U.S. junior high school students. Oral presentation to the XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, Canada.


Qualitative Survey: HIV Testing and Counseling among Injection Drug Users

The following survey was used with Project Access, a qualitative needs assessment commissioned by the California State Office of AIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to examine counseling and testing utilization and prevention programs through the perspective of drug-using clients. The instrument is designed to assess: 1) the behavioral, psychosocial, and social risk factors that influence high-risk drug users’ decisions to test for HIV; 2) the service delivery factors that influence high-risk drug users’ decision to test for HIV; 3) how high-risk drug users employ HIV testing in personal prevention strategies; and 4) how knowledge of HIV test results affects risk behavior. Instrument: Qualitative interview instrument Scoring: N/A Reliability and/or validity: N/A


Self-Report Adherence to Medications

This questionnaire was developed by the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Recruitment, Adherence, and Retention Subcommittee, Margaret A. Chesney, PhD, and Jeannette Ickovics, PhD, co-chairs. Please read the two abstracts on adherence in clinical trials and practice. Instruments:

Scoring: N/A Reliability and/or validity: Chesney MA, Ickovics JR, Chambers DB, Gifford AL, Neidig J, Zwickl B, and Wu AW (2000). “Self-reported adherence to antiretroviral medications among participants in HIV clinical trials: the AACTG adherence instruments. Patient Care Committee & Adherence Working Group of the Outcomes Committee of the Adult AIDS Clinical Trials Group (AACTG).” AIDS Care 12(3): 255–66.


Focus Group Questions for Sexual Negotiations

The following two outlines of focus group questions are taken from the Sexual Negotiations among Young Adults in the Era of AIDS research study. Prepared by Diane Binson, PI. Funded by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program, R94-SF-050. Instruments:

Scoring: N/A Reliability and/or validity: N/A


Sexual Behavior for Students at Public Middle Schools

Barbara Marín and Cynthia Gómez at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UCSF and Karin Coyle and Doug Kirby at ETR Associates developed this questionnaire as part of an evaluation study. These questionnaires are available both in English and Spanish. Please read a description of the questionnaires. Instruments:

Scoring: See scales. Reliability and/or validity: Marín BV, Coyle K, Gómez C, Carvajal S, Kirby D (2000). Older Boyfriends and Girlfriends Increase Risk of Sexual Initiation in Young Adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health, 27, 409–418.