

A Buenas Preguntas… ¡Mejores Respuestas!

A Buenas Preguntas… ¡Mejores Respuestas!: Un manual de investigación formativa para los programas de prevención de VIH de California que muestra cómo las organizaciones y los departamentos de salud pueden formalizar el proceso de investigación y usarlo para guiar y mejorar sus servicios. La investigación formativa ofrece la oportunidad de formular las preguntas que permiten indagar información clave sobre lo que se quiere o lo se está llevando. Se ofrecen ejemplos de programas a lo largo de California para demostrar cómo es que las organizaciones comunitarias realizan investigación formativa en todo momento, incluso sin advertir que lo que están haciendo es investigación.

Samples of Consent Forms provided by the Committee of Human Research, UCSF

These templates are appropriate for studies that require expedited or full committee review. There are separate consent templates for exempt research.

Explanation of Consent Form standards by Committee of Human Research, UCSF

As part of the Committee on Human Research (CHR) process improvement project analysis, we discovered that poorly-prepared submissions negatively impacted the review and approval times of well-prepared submissions by diverting significant time and resources to a small fraction of poorly prepared submissions. Consequently, the CHR office is implementing consistent minimum submission standards. Instituting this new procedure will enable CHR staff to focus on well-prepared applications, resulting in faster reviews and approvals overall.

Sample Consent Form provided by the Society for Science


Developing and Sustaining Community-Based Participatory Research Partnerships: A Skill-building Curriculum

First published in 2006, this curriculum is intended as a tool for use by community-institutional partnerships that are using or planning to use a CBPR approach to improving health. Over the years, we have incorporated feedback and updates into the curriculum. We welcome your comments and suggestions on the curriculum and encourage submissions of content to be incorporated into the curriculum.