As people are living longer and healthier lives with HIV, the risk of HIV transmission through unprotected sexual intercourse or sharing injection equipment continues to grow. While the general consensus is that most people who know they are HIV+ are careful to avoid transmitting the virus, it is estimated that one third of HIV+ gay/bisexual men continue to engage in unprotected sex.
What is the role of acute HIV infection in HIV prevention?
What is acute infection?
Acute HIV infection refers to the first stage of infection, the time immediately after a person is infected and before an antibody response to the infection develops. The second stage of infection is seroconversion, when a person develops HIV-specific antibodies.
For Information and access to the Coping Self-Efficacy Scale, contact Mind Garden at the following link:
The Coping Self-Efficacy Scale (CSES) is a 26-item measure of perceived self-efficacy for coping with challenges and threats. The scale items were developed by several of the authors (Margaret Chesney, Susan Folkman, and Jonelle Taylor) by creating sample items based upon stress and coping theory and the Ways of Coping Questionnaire, with consultation from Dr. Albert Bandura of Stanford University.
First published in 2006, this curriculum is intended as a tool for use by community-institutional partnerships that are using or planning to use a CBPR approach to improving health. Over the years, we have incorporated feedback and updates into the curriculum. We welcome your comments and suggestions on the curriculum and encourage submissions of content to be incorporated into the curriculum.
Los programas educativos sobre la sexualidad y el VIH tienen varias metas: disminuir los embarazos no planeados, reducir las enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) incluyendo la del VIH y mejorar la salud sexual de los jóvenes.
¿Qué papel juega la infección aguda en la prevención del VIH?
¿qué es la infección aguda?
El término infección aguda por VIH se refiere a la primera etapa de la infección, inmediatamente después de que una persona quede infectada y antes del desarrollo de una respuesta de los anticuerpos contra la infección. La segunda etapa de la infección es la seroconversión, cuando se forman anticuerpos específicos contra el VIH.
¿Cuáles son las necesidades de prevención de la gente VIH+?
revisado 9/05
¿necesitan prevenir las personas VIH+?
Sí. Más de 1 millón de personas en los Estados Unidos tienen el VIH o el SIDA.1 Los avances en el diagnóstico oportuno, el tratamiento y la atención para individuos VIH+ ya permiten que muchos gocen de mejor salud y más años de vida.
¿Qué necesitan los desamparados para evitar el VIH?
revisado 9/05
¿quiénes son los desamparados?
El desamparo es un problema creciente en EE.UU. donde cada día más de 800,000 personas están sin hogar.
After more than 20 years of the HIV epidemic, with advances in treatment and increases in understanding and acceptance of HIV, getting an HIV+ diagnosis still can be a traumatic experience. HIV+ persons must come to terms with their own infection and be concerned with possible infection in past and future partners. Talking to partners about HIV is especially hard because even though it is a manageable disease, HIV still is not curable.
What is the role of disclosure assistance services in HIV prevention?
why assistance for disclosure?
After more than 20 years of the HIV epidemic, with advances in treatment and increases in understanding and acceptance of HIV, getting an HIV+ diagnosis still can be a traumatic experience. HIV+ persons must come to terms with their own infection and be concerned with possible infection in past and future partners.
Over 1 million persons in the US are living with HIV/AIDS. Advances in the early diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV+ persons have helped many people enjoy increased health and longer life. Some HIV+ persons have experienced a renewed interest in sexual or drug-using activity. This can place them at risk for acquiring additional STD infections and for transmitting HIV to their uninfected partners. Many HIV+ persons, therefore, require programs to help them stay safe.
What are HIV+ persons’ HIV prevention needs?
revised 9/05
do HIV+ persons need prevention?
Yes. Over 1 million persons in the US are living with HIV/AIDS.1 Advances in the early diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV+ persons have helped many people enjoy increased health and longer life. Some HIV+ persons have experienced a renewed interest in sexual or drug-using activity.
What are homeless persons’ HIV prevention needs?
revised 9/05
who are the homeless?
Homelessness is a growing problem in the US.1 It is estimated that on any given day there are more than 800,000 homeless individuals in the US, while over the course of a year there are 2.3 to 3.5 million individuals who experience a period of homelessness.2 In the 2004 Mayors’ report on homelessness 70% of cities surveyed registered an increase in the number
Are Informal Caregivers Important in AIDS Care?
What do caregivers do?
Informal caregivers of people with AIDS (PWAs) provide practical help and nursing care at home. They are often the lovers, spouses, friends, or family of someone with AIDS and are not professional care providers. The service they provide is essential to the scope of AIDS care services and saves society great expense.
¿Hay un papel para la ley penal dentro de la prevención del VIH?
¿por qué una ley penal?
Durante el transcurso de la epidemia del SIDA en EE.UU., se ha debatido constantemente la necesidad de leyes que castiguen a individuos que se saben VIH+ y exponen a otra persona al VIH (llamado a veces exposición intencional al VIH o con conocimiento). Gran parte del debate se ha polarizado entre la criminalización de toda exposición al VIH y ninguna criminalización.
¿Qué papel juegan los servicios de notificación de parejas en la prevención del VIH?
¿por qué la notificación de parejas?
A más de 20 años del inicio de la epidemia y a pesar de los avances en conocimiento, tratamiento, y aceptación del VIH, la experiencia de recibir un diagnóstico VIH+ aún puede resultar traumática. La gente VIH+ debe asimilar la realidad de su propia infección al tiempo de preocuparse por la posible infección de parejas pasadas y futuras.
Más de 1 millón de personas en los Estados Unidos tienen el VIH o el SIDA. Los avances en el diagnóstico oportuno, el tratamiento y la atención para individuos VIH+ ya permiten que muchos gocen de mejor salud y más años de vida.