This pilot study will determine the acceptability and translatability of PalmPal, an innovative structural intervention we designed to improve the process of HIV test counseling. PalmPal is a ten minute risk assessment questionnaire that is self administered by the client using a handheld computer just prior to the test session. The proposed study will recruit a representative sample of 40 test clients from three test clinics to conduct six focus groups.
The HIV and malaria epidemics inflict the greatest harm in sub-Saharan Africa and overlap significantly. We have recently identified an interaction between acute malaria and false positive HIV EIA test results. This project will investigate this interaction in three of the most common rapid EIA HIV tests used in sub-Saharan Africa among a cohort of 450 HIV-uninfected children aged 2-17 years being followed longitudinally for malaria in Kampala, Uganda as part of a larger, parent study.
Correctional facilities concentrate populations that are at risk for HIV infection: persons of color, persons with substance abuse histories, and persons living in poverty.1,2 As a result, the prevalence of HIV among US incarcerated populations is five to seven times that of the general US population.3,4 Furthermore, about 25% of people living with HIV in the US have been incarcerated.5 These statistics support the need for access to effective means of HIV prevention and harm reduction strategie
Transgender is an umbrella term for persons whose gender identity and expression does not conform to norms and expectations traditionally associated with their sex assigned at birth. Transgender persons may self-identify as transgender, female, male, trans-woman or -man, transsexual, cross-dresser, bigender, gender queer, gender questioning, MtF, FtM or one of many other transgender identities, and may express their genders in a variety of masculine, feminine and androgynous ways.
¿Qué necesitan las mujeres en la prevención del VIH en EEUU?
¿corren riesgo de contraer el VIH?
Sí. El VIH afecta a cada vez más mujeres y muchachas en EEUU. En 1985, las mujeres componían el sólo el 8 % de los casos de SIDA en EEUU, en comparación con el 27 % en el año 2005.
What are US women’s HIV prevention needs?
are women at risk?
Yes. HIV is taking an increasing toll on women and girls in the US. In 1985, women comprised 8% of all AIDS cases in the US, while by 2005, women made up 27% of all AIDS cases. In 2005, women accounted for 30% of all new HIV infections. Of these, 60% occurred among African Americans, 19% among Whites, 19% among Hispanics, and 1% each among Asian/Pacific Islanders and American Indian/Alaska Natives.
Instrument: China MSM stigma scale. Scoring: Included in article. Reliability or validity: Neilands TB, Steward WT, Choi K-H. Assessment of Stigma towards Homosexuality in China: A Study of Men Who Have Sex with Men. Arch Sex Behav. 2008 Oct;37(5):838-44.
Research shows that most men who use multiple types of public venues (bathhouses, sex clubs, parks, bars, etc.) to meet and engage other men reported high-risk behavior. These findings lead us to hypothesize that these high-risk men are a significant proportion of the core of high-risk networks; yet we know little about them. The purpose of this study is to narrow the focus of research to this core, to learn more about their intimate encounters.
Instrument: SSE-LM Scoring: Included in article Reliability or validity: Bowleg L, Neilands TB, Choi K-H. Evaluating the Validity and Reliability of a Modified Schedule of Sexist Events: Implications for Public Health Research on Women’s HIV Risk Behaviors.
¿Cómo ayuda la evaluación en la prevención del VIH?
¿qué es la evaluación?
La mayoría de los proveedores de servicios de prevención del VIH realizan actividades periódicas de evaluación y recolección de datos, aunque tal vez no consideren que sea una evaluación.
How does evaluation help in HIV prevention?
what is evaluation?
Most HIV prevention service providers conduct evaluation and data collection activities on a regular basis, although they may not consider it evaluation. Writing case notes during a prevention case management session, discussing client feedback on program services, watching needle exchange in action, taking notes at staff meetings: these are all examples of “informal” data collection that happen every day.
¿Cuál es el efecto de la revelación del estatus de VIH en la prevención del VIH?
¿por qué es importante en el VIH?
La revelación de la condición de ser VIH+ es un asunto complejo, delicado y muy personal. Se trata de hablar sobre una enfermedad estigmatizada, transmisible y potencialmente mortal.
CAPS and Centerforce, a community-based organization that has been providing services to prisoners and their families for thirty years, have been collaborating since 1993 to design and evaluate HIV prevention interventions for incarcerated men and their female partners.
How does disclosure affect HIV prevention?
why is disclosure important in HIV?
Disclosure of HIV+ status is a complex, difficult and very personal matter. Disclosing one’s HIV+ status entails communication about a potentially life threatening, stigmatized and transmissible illness.
Disclosure of HIV+ status is a complex, difficult and very personal matter. Disclosing one’s HIV+ status entails communication about a potentially life threatening, stigmatized and transmissible illness. Choices people make about this are not only personal but vary across different age groups, in different situations and contexts, and with different partners, and may change with time, depending on one’s experiences.
La revelación de la condición de ser VIH+ es un asunto complejo, delicado y muy personal. Se trata de hablar sobre una enfermedad estigmatizada, transmisible y potencialmente mortal. Las decisiones al respecto no sólo son personales sino que varían según la edad, la situación, el contexto y la pareja, y pueden cambiar durante el transcurso del tiempo y según las experiencias de la persona.