CAPS/Fogarty International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (I-TAPS) [summary]
Research Project
We sponsor four types of training:
1. An intensive eight-week course in designing and conducting AIDS prevention research In our prevention research course, trainees develop a study protocol for implementation in their home countries. Subsequently, we provide assistance to obtain funding to field these pilot studies, and provide continued technical assistance from a CAPS faculty mentor.
2. A six-week writing sabbatical/scientific manuscript preparation workshop Scientists who complete data collection can return to CAPS for a scientific writing workshop, in which we provide statistical support and faculty consultation for preparation of a scientific manuscript. In some cases, we also allow for individual writing sabbaticals; trainees receive similar support and consultation. The scientific writing workshop is open both to returning scholars who attended our research methods courses, and to other international collaborators who are ready to complete scientific manuscripts.
3. A nine-month advanced research traineeship In our advanced research traineeship, visiting scientists prepare grant proposals for the US National Institutes of Health, on which the trainee is the principal investigator.
4. Formal graduate study We also serve as a “portal of entry” for the AIDS International Research and Training Program at UC Berkeley for MPH and PhD degrees in epidemiology (Arthur Reingold, PI).
Research Date