
Reducing AIDS Stigma among Health Professionals in South India (The DriSti Study)

This study brings together researchers from the University of California, San Francisco; Research Triangle Institute in Washington DC; St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences in Bangalore, India; and the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi, India to evaluate the efficacy of a promising intervention designed to reduce HIV stigma among Indian health professionals.

South Africa Health Monitoring Study (SAHMS)

To continue UCSF’s commitment in helping the CDC’s Global AIDS Program (GAP) achieve its goals in GAP countries and regions, this project will strengthen local capacity, as well as collect vital data on the HIV epidemic among Sex Workers (SW) in South Africa. To this end this project has 4 objectives: To estimate the prevalence of HIV and syphilis, and associated risk behaviors among female sex workers in Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Durban, South Africa. To estimate the p

Reducing New Infections in the NW Province of South Africa

South Africa is the country most impacted by HIV in the world—of 49 million people, 5.6 million are infected with HIV. In 2011 the U.S.

Notificación de parejas

A más de 20 años del inicio de la epidemia y a pesar de los avances en conocimiento, tratamiento, y aceptación del VIH, la experiencia de recibir un diagnóstico VIH+ aún puede resultar traumática. La gente VIH+ debe asimilar la realidad de su propia infección al tiempo de preocuparse por la posible infección de parejas pasadas y futuras. Es difícil hablar con la pareja sobre el VIH, pues aunque puede controlarse, aún no tiene cura.

The Measurement Group Evaluation & Research Tools

The following are examples of evaluation reports by The Measurement Group. We customize our dissemination strategies to meet the needs of our clients, their stakeholders, and the intended audience for evaluation reports and presentations. Additional work samples are available upon request.

SECope: Coping with HIV Treatment Side Effects

Instrument: SECope Scoring: Included in the article. Reliability or validity: Johnson MO, Neilands TB. Coping with HIV Treatment Side Effects: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Linkages. AIDS and Behavior.

Ways of Coping

The Ways of Coping questionnaire by Susan Folkman and Richard S. Lazarus is used to identify the thoughts and actions an individual has used to cope with a specific stressful encounter. Instruments:

Risk Behavior and Health Care for HIV+ Injection Drug Users (SUDIS Study)

These instruments were used with the SUDIS Study and cover medication use and adherence, health care utilization, disclosure, alcohol and drug use, sexual behavior, partner relationships, social support, and more. Instruments:

Risk Behavior and Health Care for HIV+ Injection Drug Users (INSPIRE Study)

These instruments were used to measure the effectiveness of the multisite INSPIRE Study (known as VOICE in San Francisco) and cover medication use and adherence, health care utilization, substance abuse, injection behavior, sexual behavior, partner relationships, and more. Instruments:

Risk Behavior for Gay Men

These questionnaires were used with the EXPLORE Project and cover social activity, attitude, PEP, drug use, and sexual behavior. Instruments:

Sexual Behavior for Students at Public Middle Schools

Barbara Marín and Cynthia Gómez at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies at UCSF and Karin Coyle and Doug Kirby at ETR Associates developed this questionnaire as part of an evaluation study. These questionnaires are available both in English and Spanish. Please read a description of the questionnaires. Instruments:

Self-Report Adherence to Medications

This questionnaire was developed by the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Recruitment, Adherence, and Retention Subcommittee, Margaret A. Chesney, PhD, and Jeannette Ickovics, PhD, co-chairs. Please read the two abstracts on adherence in clinical trials and practice. Instruments:

Qualitative Survey: HIV Testing and Counseling among Injection Drug Users

The following survey was used with Project Access, a qualitative needs assessment commissioned by the California State Office of AIDS and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to examine counseling and testing utilization and prevention programs through the perspective of drug-using clients.

Teen Peer Educators

The following surveys were used with the Healthy Oakland Teens project at an urban, ethnically diverse junior high school. The project’s goal is to reduce adolescents’ risk for HIV infection by using peer role models to advocate for responsible decision making, healthy values and norms, and improved communication skills.

National Sexual Health Survey (NSHS)

NSHS is national telephone survey of adults 18 years and older residing in the 48 contiguous states.