Risk Reduction for HIV Serodiscordant Couples Attempting Conception
Research Project
The goal of this study is to develop a preliminary understanding of the social and cultural context in which HIV serodiscordant couples in Kenya are making the decision to become pregnant.
The specific aims of this study are:
- To explore the motivations for conception, understanding the risk of HIV transmission, and the decisionmaking process of serodiscordant couples desiring pregnancy.
- To assess the acceptability of:
- Limiting unprotected intercourse to the fertile window in a woman’s cycle to reduce the number of episodes of unprotected sex per month.
- Providing the HIV- partner with antiretroviral medication to take prior to unprotected intercourse to reduce the risk of HIV transmission.
- Starting antiretroviral medication in the HIV+ partner, regardless of immune status and clinical staging to reduce genital tract viral shedding and possibly HIV transmission.
- Sperm washing to isolate spermatozoa from semen of HIV+ men, followed by intrauterine insemination using the prepared sperm in order to achieve pregnancy while preventing HIV transmission.
Research Date