Janet Myers, PhD, MPH, MA


Janet Myers, PhD, MPH is a medical sociologist whose research focuses on evaluation of HIV care and treatment interventions delivered in clinical settings. Janet has served as principal investigator on several large multi-site demonstration projects aiming to optimize linkage, engagement and retention in Ryan White Program-funded care. Her work also focuses on implementation research in correctional settings including jails, prisons and detention centers. She also teaches program evaluation in the UCSF implementation science certificate program.

1. U90HA26507 (PI) 09/01/2013-08/031/2018
Health Resources and Services Administration $413,886 direct/year 2
Culturally Appropriate Interventions of Outreach, Access and Retention $2,151,872 direct/yrs. 1-5
among Latino/a Populations Initiative – Evaluation and Technical
Assistance Center

2. EI14-SF-009 (PI) 04/01/2013-03/31/2017
Epidemic Interventions Demonstration Project $263,812 direct/year 3
California HIV/AIDS Research Program $1,006,982 direct/yrs. 1-4
Connecting Resources for Urban Sexual Health (CRUSH)

3. UA2HA07855 (PI) 03/01/2012-03/31/2017
Health Resources and Services Administration $433,834 direct/year 3
AIDS Education and Training Centers National Evaluation Center $2,037,238 direct/yrs.1-5

4. U90HA22702 (PI) 09/01/2011-08/31/2016
Health Resources and Services Administration $1,239,446 direct/year 4
Systems Linkages and Access to Care for Populations at High Risk of HIV $4,766,798 direct/yrs. 1-5
Infection Initiative – Evaluation and Technical Assistance Center

5. RP11-SF-021 (Co-I/Center Co-Director) 04/01/2012-09/30/2016
California State Office of AIDS $427,000 direct/year 2
AIDS Policy Research Center $1,708,000 direct/yrs. 1-4

6. U48 DP004998-01 (Co-I) 09/30/2014-09/29/2019
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) $575,101 direct/year 1
UCSF Prevention Research Center $2,875,505 direct/yrs. 1-4

7. No Grant # (Co-I) 11/11/2013-09/25/2015
NIH / University of Puerto Rico $104,779 direct/year 1
An Innovative HIV Prevention Curriculum for Medical Students of the 1 year grant
University of Puerto Rico Medical School: Implementation and Evaluation Phase

1. 1R01DA027209 (PI) 08/01/2009-05/31/2014
NIH/NIDA $446,256 direct/year 1
Navigator-Enhanced Case Management for HIV-Infected Jail Inmates $2,288,887 direct/yrs. 1-5
Reentering the Community

2. Subcontract through Dept. of FCM (Subcontract PI) 04/01/2013- 03/31/2014
Health Resources and Services and Services Administration $118,964 direct/year 1
International Training and Education Center on Health 1 year contract
Situational Assessment of HIV, TB, and STIs in South African
Department of Correctional Services Facilities

3. Subcontract through Dept. of FCM (Subcontract PI) 07/01/2011-06/30/2013
Health Resources and Services and Services Administration $116,267 direct/year 1
Incorporating HIV Prevention into the Medical Care of Persons Living with $232,534 direct/yrs. 1-2
HIV: A Replication of the Ask, Screen, Intervene (ASI) Intervention

4. Subcontract through Dept. of FCM (Subcontract PI) 07/01/2011-06/30/2013
Health Resources and Services and Services Administration $23,220 direct/year 1
U.S./Mexico Border Region Interagency Collaborative for HIV $46,365 direct/yrs. 1-2

5. Subcontract through Dept. of FCM (Subcontract PI) 07/01/2012-06/30/2013
Health Resources and Services and Services Administration $27,778 direct/year 1
Evaluation of AIDS Education and Training Centers’ (AETC) Capacity 1 year project
Building Activities

6. Epidemic Interventions Demonstration Project (Subcontract PI) 04/01/2012- 03/31/2013
California HIV/AIDS Research Program $125,000 direct/year 1
Connecting Resources for Urban Sexual Health 1 year project

7. 5P30AI087714-02 (Co-I) 09/01/2011–05/31/2013
NIH $90,137 direct/year 1
Enhanced Comprehensive HIV Prevention Planning and Implementation 1 year supplement
for Metropolitan Statistical Areas Most Affected by HIV/AIDS

8. CR09-SF-451 (Co-I) 04/01/2010-03/31/2013
California HIV/AIDS Research Program $34,862 direct/year 1
Evaluation of Vocational Rehabilitation for HIV-Infected Persons $154,930 direct/yrs. 1-3

9. Subcontract through Dept. of FCM (Subcontract PI) 07/01/2012-12/31/2012
California State Office of AIDS (OA) $68,177 direct/6-months
Evaluation of HIV Testing in California OA-Funded Medical Facilities 6-month project

10. H97 HA08477 (PI) 09/01/2007-08/31/2012
Health Resources and Services Administration $542,948 direct/year 1
Information Technology Networks of Care Initiative Evaluation and $1,855,616 direct/yrs. 1-5
Technical Assistance Center

11. CRB-AR500-S-10-00166 (Co-I) 07/01/2010-06/30/2012
NIH/Office of AIDS Research through SSI, Inc. $38,248 direct/year 1
HIV Prevention Curriculum Development for the University of Puerto Rico $76,496 direct/yrs. 1-2

12. RP08-SF-603 (Co-I/Center Co-Director) 04/01/2009-3/31/2012
California State Office of AIDS $283,823 direct/year 1
AIDS Policy Research Center $845,474 direct/yrs. 1-3

13. 1U69 HA07855 (PI) 03/01/2007-02/29/2012
Health Resources and Services Administration $416,667 direct/year 1
AIDS Education and Training Centers National Evaluation Center $2,534,499 direct/yrs.1-5

14. 3R01DA027209-02S1 (PI) 09/30/2010 – 5/31/2011
NIH/NIDA $149,789 direct/year 1
Navigator-Enhanced Case Management for HIV-Infected Jail Inmates 1 year supplement

15. A108362 (Subcontract PI) 11/01/2007 -11/30/2010
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through $264,026 direct/year 1
subcontract with the International HIV/AIDS Alliance $777,495 direct/yrs. 1-3
Community Action Program: Increasing Access to HIV/AIDS Services
through Evidence-Based Programming

16. U65 PS000817 (PI) 09/30/2007-09/29/2010
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $120,285 direct/year 1 Evaluating the Implementation of the CDC’s Revised Recommendations $321,464 direct/yrs. 1-3
for HIV Testing

17. A112011 (PI) 01/01/2009-12/31/2009
San Francisco Department of Public Health $48,532 direct /year 1
Enhancing HIV Testing, Linkage to Care and Partner Services 1 year contract

18. A109453 (PI) 08/06/2008–09/30/2009
National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases through $8,858 direct/year 1
subcontract with PPD, Inc. $18,197 direct/yrs. 1-2
HIV Research and Counseling Training for Vaccine Trials

19. 03-75344 (Co-PI) 07/01/2006-06/30/2009
California State Office of AIDS $268,830 direct/year 1
Evaluating HIV Prevention in California (Technical Assistance for system $806,889 direct/yrs. 1-3
Development and local program planning)

20. No number (PI) 01/31/2009-03/30/2009
Health Resources and Services Administration through subcontract with $18,430 direct/year 1
The International Training and Education Center on HIV 2 month contract
Situational Assessment of “Positive Prevention” in Clinical Settings in Haiti

21. 1U69 HA07855-Supplement (PI) 03/01/2008-02/28/2009
Health Resources and Services Administration $414,000 direct/year 1
Evaluating Clinical Training and Capacity Building for the US Minority 1 year supplement
AIDS Initiative—Supplement to the AETC National Evaluation Center

22. 1D58HP05188-01-00 (Co-I) 07/01/2005-06/30/2008
Health Resources and Services Administration $251,490 direct/year 1
Residency in Training in General Internal Medicine $676,984 direct/yrs. 1-3

23. 6H97 HA 00261-01-01 (Co-PI) 09/30/2002-08/31/2008
Health Resources and Services Administration $515,658 direct/year 4
Evaluation and Support Center, Ryan White Prevention with Positives in $2,550,063 direct/yrs. 1-5
Primary Care Settings Initiative (Evaluation Center for 15 national sites)

24. AL04-SF-806 (PI) 11/01/2004-06/30/2008
California HIV/AIDS Research Program $147,580 direct/year 3
Project HOLLA: Developing a Tailored Case Management Intervention for $427,425 direct/yrs. 1-3
Recently Released Prisoners

25. 200-2003-01506 (Co-I) 07/01/2007-12/31/2007
Manila Consulting (Prime: CDC) $127,027 direct
Community-level outcome monitoring project 6 month contract

26. U69HA02501-01-00 (PI) 03/01/2004-02/28/2007
Health Resources and Services Administration $417,111 direct/year 1
AIDS Education and Training Centers National Evaluation Center $1,246,081 direct/yrs.1-3

27. DHHS 05-46117 (PI) 01/01/2006-06/30/2006
California State Office of AIDS $138,330 direct/year 1
Pharmacy Sale Syringe Disposal Evaluation 6 month grant

28. AD03-SF-600 (Co-PI) 01/01/2004-05/30/2004
Universitywide AIDS Research Program $120,000 direct/year 1
California AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Financing, Delivery 1 year grant
and Policy Research Initiative

29. NACHC # 000061 (Co-PI) 01/31/2004-06/29/2004
National Association of Community Health Centers $54,501 direct/year 1
Study of HIV Testing and Counseling Delivery and Policy in 1 year grant
Community Health Centers

30. No number (PI) 07/31/2000-09/30/2005
Centerforce $25,000 direct/year 1
Get Connected: Prevention Case Management Outcomes study $100,000 direct/yrs. 1-4

31. H4A HA 00038-03 (Co-PI) 09/01/2003-08/31/2004
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $123,500 direct/year 1
Evaluation of Patterns of Utilization of the National Clinicians’ Post- 1 year grant
Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline (PEPline): Phase Three

32. H4A HA 00038-02 (Co-PI) 09/01/2002-08/31/2003
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention $123,500 direct/year 1
Evaluation of Patterns of Utilization of the National Clinicians’ Post- 1 year grant
Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline (PEPline): Phase Two

33. PC99-SF-2024 (Co-I) 07/01/1999-06/30/2001
Universitywide AIDS Research Program $52,206 direct/year 1
Expanding Access to HIV Care $102,964 direct/yrs. 1-2

2022 - Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Champion Training, University of California
Fellow, 1998 - Health Services Research, University of Washington
MPH, 1998 - Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
PhD, 1997 - Medical Sociology, Indiana University
MA, 1995 - Sociology, Indiana University
BA, 1990 - Sociology, with honors, University of California, Santa Cruz
  1. Moran L, Bolton AT, Maiorana A, Guzé MA, Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Rebchook GM, Saberi P, Palomares M, Hinchcliffe G, Keuroghlian AS, Psihopaidas D, Myers JJ, Koester KA. Insights on HIV Care Engagement Strategies from Seven Interventions Serving Key Populations in the United States: A Qualitative Study. AIDS patient care and STDs 2025. PMID: 39964750

  2. Bourdeau B, Guzé MA, Rebchook GM, Shade SB, Psihopaidas D, Chavis NS, Myers JJ. Measuring Implementation Outcomes Change Over Time Using an Adapted Checklist for Assessing Readiness to Implement (CARI). AIDS and behavior 2025. PMID: 39899228

  3. Suen LW, Chiang AY, Jones BLH, Soran CS, Geier M, Snyder HR, Neuhaus J, Myers JJ, Knight KR, Bazazi AR, Coffin PO. Outpatient Low-Dose Initiation of Buprenorphine for People Using Fentanyl. JAMA network open 2025. PMID: 39853975

  4. Ashwin Kotwal, Katrina Hough, Diane Meier, Soe Han Tha, Nandini Singh, Shannon Fuller, Janet Myers, Carla Perissinotto. RECENT INNOVATIONS, CHALLENGES, AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEER PROGRAMS TO ADDRESS LONELINESS IN OLDER ADULTS. Innovation in Aging 2024. PMID:

  5. Fuller SM, Arnold EA, Xavier J, Ibe CA, Steward WT, Myers JJ, Rebchook G, Koester KA. Integrating community health workers into HIV care clinics: a qualitative study with health system leaders and clinicians in the Southern United States. BMC health services research 2024. PMID: 39487486

  6. Bourdeau B, Shade SB, Koester KA, Rebchook GM, Steward WT, Agins BM, Myers JJ, Phan SH, Matosky M. Rapid start antiretroviral therapies for improved engagement in HIV care: implementation science evaluation protocol. BMC health services research 2023. PMID: 37198586

  7. Fuller SM, Kotwal AA, Tha SH, Hill D, Perissinotto C, Myers JJ. Key Elements and Mechanisms of a Peer-Support Intervention to Reduce Loneliness and Isolation among Low-Income Older Adults: A Qualitative Implementation Science Study. Journal of applied gerontology : the official journal of the Southern Gerontological Society 2022. PMID: 36053132

  8. Maiorana A, Zamudio-Haas S, Santiago-Rodríguez EI, Sauceda JA, Rodríguez-Díaz CE, Brooks RA, Myers JJ. HIV Disclosure Practices to Family among Mexican and Puerto Rican Sexual Minority Men with HIV in the Continental USA: Intersections of Sexual Orientation and HIV Stigma. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 35225747

  9. Mangosing D, Kumalo-Sakutukwa G, Bourdeau B, Rebchook G, Lightfoot M, Myers JJ. Supporting Community Partners in Reducing HIV-Related Health Disparities: Technical Assistance Across a Spectrum of Intensity. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 35352602

  10. Ashwin Kotwal, Shannon Fuller, Janet Myers, Daniel Hill, Soe Han Tha, Alexander Smith, Carla Perissinotto. A Peer Intervention Facilitates Trust and Improves Psychosocial Well-Being in Diverse, Low-Income Older Adults. TO REMOVE 2021. PMID:

  11. Koester KA, Erguera XA, Udoh I, Kang Dufour MS, Burack JH, Myers JJ. Exploring the Shift From HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Awareness to Uptake Among Young Gay and Bisexual Men. TO REMOVE 2021. PMID: 34950622

  12. Kotwal AA, Fuller SM, Myers JJ, Hill D, Tha SH, Smith AK, Perissinotto C. A Peer Intervention Reduces Loneliness and Improves Social Well-Being in Low-Income Older Adults: A Mixed-Methods Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2021. PMID: 34449870

  13. Shade SB, Kirby VB, Stephens S, Moran L, Charlebois ED, Xavier J, Cajina A, Steward WT, Myers JJ. Outcomes and costs of publicly funded patient navigation interventions to enhance HIV care continuum outcomes in the United States: A before-and-after study. PLoS medicine 2021. PMID: 33983925

  14. Neduzhko O, Postnov O, Sereda Y, Kulchynska R, Bingham T, Myers JJ, Flanigan T, Kiriazova T. Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS): A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Efficacy of a Linkage-to-Care Intervention Among HIV-Positive Patients in Ukraine. AIDS and behavior 2020. PMID: 32333208

  15. Agarwal A, Vittinghoff E, Myers JJ, Dudley RA, Khan A, John A, Marcus GM. Ambulatory Health Care Service Use and Costs Among Commercially Insured US Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. JAMA network open 2020. PMID: 32970155

  16. Maiorana A, Zamudio-Haas S, Sauceda J, Rodriguez-Díaz CE, Brooks RA, Santiago-Rodríguez E, Myers JJ. "Holidays Come, Sundays Come. It is Very Sad to be Alone": Transnational Practices and the Importance of Family for Mexican and Puerto Rican Latinxs Living with HIV in the Continental U.S. Journal of immigrant and minority health 2020. PMID: 32500399

  17. Janet J M, Mi-Suk KD, Kimberly A K, Ifeoma U, Remi F, Rebecca P, Kristin K, Xavier E, Horowitz J, Robert G, Jeffrey H B. Adherence to PrEP among young men who have sex with men participating in a sexual health services demonstration project in Alameda County, California. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2019. PMID: 30973542

  18. Zamudio-Haas S, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Fuller SM, Steward WT, Gruber D, Hauge JC, Parnell HE, Quinlivan EB, Myers JJ. "Closing the Loop" Developing State-Level Data Sharing Interventions to Promote Optimum Outcomes Along the HIV Continuum of Care. AIDS and behavior 2018. PMID: 29797160

  19. Fuller SM, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Steward WT, Broaddus MR, Lass K, Zamudio-Haas S, Quinlivan EB, Myers JJ. "I don't have to do this all by myself": Systems Navigation to Ensure Continuity of HIV Care for Persons Leaving Prison. AIDS and behavior 2018. PMID: 29442194

  20. Neduzhko O, Postnov O, Bingham T, Myers JJ, Flanigan T, Kiriazova T. Feasibility and Acceptability of the Modified Antiretroviral Treatment Access Study (MARTAS) Intervention Based on a Pilot Study in Ukraine. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2019. PMID: 30672381

  21. Koester KA, Erguera XA, Kang Dufour MS, Udoh I, Burack JH, Grant RM, Myers JJ. "Losing the Phobia:" Understanding How HIV Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Facilitates Bridging the Serodivide Among Men Who Have Sex With Men. Frontiers in public health 2018. PMID: 30238001

  22. Myers JJ, Kang Dufour MS, Koester KA, Morewitz M, Packard R, Monico Klein K, Estes M, Williams B, Riker A, Tulsky J. The Effect of Patient Navigation on the Likelihood of Engagement in Clinical Care for HIV-Infected Individuals Leaving Jail. American journal of public health 2018. PMID: 29345992

  23. Myers JJ, Koester KA, Kang Dufour MS, Jordan AO, Cruzado-Quinone J, Riker A. Patient navigators effectively support HIV-infected individuals returning to the community from jail settings. International journal of prisoner health 2017. PMID: 28914126

  24. Khamarko K, Kang Dufour MS, Bodach S, Myers JJ. Impact of AIDS Education and Training Centers on the US HIV Medical Workforce. American journal of public health 2016. PMID: 27736204

  25. Koester KA, Fuller SM, Maiorana A, Steward WT, Zamudio-Haas S, Xavier J, Safon C, Collins SP, Morin SF, Myers JJ. Implementing Multi-Level Interventions to Improve HIV Testing, Linkage-to-and Retention-in-Care Interventions. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved 2016. PMID: 27524765

  26. Buisker TR, Dufour MS, Myers JJ. Recall of Nadir CD4 Cell Count and Most Recent HIV Viral Load Among HIV-Infected, Socially Marginalized Adults. AIDS and behavior 2015. PMID: 25711297

  27. Myers JJ, Maiorana A, Chaturvedi SD, Guilin V, Buisker T, Khumalo-Sakutukwa G, Sealey-Thomas R, O'Keiffe C, Williams D. Uptake and Outcomes Associated with Implementation of a Community-Based Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Program in Antigua and Barbuda. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2015. PMID: 26253513

  28. Shade SB, Steward WT, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ. Health information technology interventions enhance care completion, engagement in HIV care and treatment, and viral suppression among HIV-infected patients in publicly funded settings. Volume 22 of Issue e1. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA 2014. PMID: 25030033

  29. Koester KA, Morewitz M, Pearson C, Weeks J, Packard R, Estes M, Tulsky J, Kang-Dufour MS, Myers JJ. Patient navigation facilitates medical and social services engagement among HIV-infected individuals leaving jail and returning to the community. AIDS patient care and STDs 2014. PMID: 24517539

  30. Rodríguez-Díaz CE, Rivera-Negrón RM, Clatts MC, Myers JJ. Health care practices and associated service needs in a sample of HIV-positive incarcerated men in Puerto Rico: implications for retention in care. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care 2014. PMID: 24482106

  31. Capital Ka Cyrilliciriazova TK, Neduzhko OO, Kang Dufour M, Culyba RJ, Myers JJ. Evaluation of the effectiveness of HIV voluntary counseling and testing trainings for clinicians in the Odessa region of Ukraine. AIDS and behavior 2014. PMID: 23807077

  32. Maiorana A, Rebchook G, Kassie N, Myers JJ. On being gay in Barbados: "Bullers" and "Battyboys" and their HIV risk in a societal context of stigma. Journal of homosexuality 2013. PMID: 23808347

  33. Myers JJ, Kang Dufour MS, Koester KA, Rose CD, Shade SB, Maiorana A, Morin SF. Helping clinicians deliver consistent HIV prevention counseling to their HIV-infected patients. Volume 25 of Issue 5. AIDS care 2012. PMID: 22970975

  34. Shade SB, Sackett N, Khamarko K, Koester KA, Bie J, Newberry J, Beal J, Culyba R, Jacobson K, Kinder A, Nusser J, Myers JJ. Quality of comprehensive HIV care in underserved communities: does clinical training lead to improvement. American journal of medical quality : the official journal of the American College of Medical Quality 2012. PMID: 22892826

  35. Koester KA, Maiorana A, Morin SF, Rose CD, Shade S, Myers JJ. People living with HIV are receptive to HIV prevention interventions in clinical settings: a qualitative evaluation. Volume 24 of Issue 4. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2012. PMID: 22827900

  36. Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Koester KA, Steward WT, Myers JJ. Health information exchange interventions can enhance quality and continuity of HIV care. Volume 81 of Issue 10. International journal of medical informatics 2012. PMID: 22854158

  37. Myers JJ, Koester KA, Chakravarty D, Pearson C, Maiorana A, Shade SB, Steward WT. Perceptions regarding the ease of use and usefulness of health information exchange systems among medical providers, case managers and non-clinical staff members working in HIV care and community settings. Volume 81 of Issue 10. International journal of medical informatics 2012. PMID: 22854159

  38. Steward WT, Koester KA, Collins SP, Maiorana A, Myers JJ. The essential role of reconfiguration capabilities in the implementation of HIV-related health information exchanges. International journal of medical informatics 2012. PMID: 22841703

  39. Myers JJ, Bradley-Springer L, Kang Dufour MS, Koester KA, Beane S, Warren N, Beal J, Frank LR. Supporting the integration of HIV testing into primary care settings. American journal of public health 2012. PMID: 22515867

  40. Maiorana A, Steward WT, Koester KA, Pearson C, Shade SB, Chakravarty D, Myers JJ. Trust, confidentiality, and the acceptability of sharing HIV-related patient data: lessons learned from a mixed methods study about Health Information Exchanges. Volume 7. Implementation science : IS 2012. PMID: 22515736

  41. . Developing Effective Clinical Trainers. TO REMOVE 2012. PMID:

  42. Maiorana A, Koester KA, Myers JJ, Lloyd KC, Shade SB, Dawson-Rose C, Morin SF. Helping patients talk about HIV: inclusion of messages on disclosure in prevention with positives interventions in clinical settings. Volume 24 of Issue 2. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2012. PMID: 22468977

  43. Rose CD, Koester KA, Kang Dufour MS, Myers JJ, Shade SB, McCready K, Morin S. Messages HIV clinicians use in prevention with positives interventions. Volume 24 of Issue 6. AIDS care 2012. PMID: 22299672

  44. Christopoulos KA, Weiser SD, Koester KA, Myers JJ, White DA, Kaplan B, Morin SF. Understanding patient acceptance and refusal of HIV testing in the emergency department. Volume 12. BMC public health 2012. PMID: 22214543

  45. Myers JJ, Maiorana A, Chapman K, Lall R, Kassie N, Persaud N. How the Illicit Drug Economy Contributes to HIV Risk in St Vincent and the Grenadines. Journal of the International Association of Physicians in AIDS Care (Chicago, Ill. : 2002) 2011. PMID: 21876217

  46. Myers JJ, Koester KA, Dufour MS. Barriers and facilitators to enhancing HIV testing in publicly funded primary care clinics: findings from San Francisco. AIDS education and prevention : official publication of the International Society for AIDS Education 2011. PMID: 21689039

  47. Christopoulos KA, Koester K, Weiser S, Lane T, Myers JJ, Morin SF. A comparative evaluation of the process of developing and implementing an emergency department HIV testing program. Volume 6. Implementation science : IS 2011. PMID: 21450053

  48. Myers JJ, Modica C, Dufour MS, Bernstein C, McNamara K. Routine rapid HIV screening in six community health centers serving populations at risk. Journal of general internal medicine 2009. PMID: 19655204

  49. Myers J, Bernstein M, Morin SF, Reyes M. Targeting HIV clinical training with maps: lessons from the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center. Evaluation & the health professions 2007. PMID: 17986668

  50. Myers JJ, Rose CD, Shade SB, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Malitz F, Steward WT, Morin SF. Sex, risk and responsibility: provider attitudes and beliefs predict HIV transmission risk prevention counseling in clinical care settings. Volume 11 of Issue 5 Suppl. AIDS and behavior 2007. PMID: 17594138

  51. Morin SF, Myers JJ, Shade SB, Koester K, Maiorana A, Rose CD. Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected patients seen in clinical settings. Volume 11 of Issue 5 Suppl. AIDS and behavior 2007. PMID: 17577655

  52. Janet Myers, Barry Zack. MYERS AND ZACK RESPOND. American journal of public health 2006. PMID:

  53. Steward WT, Koester KA, Myers JJ, Morin SF. Provider fatalism reduces the likelihood of HIV-prevention counseling in primary care settings. AIDS and behavior 2006. PMID: 16323037

  54. Myers JJ, Steward WT, Charlebois E, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Morin SF. Written clinic procedures enhance delivery of HIV "prevention with positives" counseling in primary health care settings. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004. PMID: 15385905

  55. Morin SF, Koester KA, Steward WT, Maiorana A, McLaughlin M, Myers JJ, Vernon K, Chesney MA. Missed opportunities: prevention with HIV-infected patients in clinical care settings. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004. PMID: 15220703

  56. Myers JJ, Barker TA, Devore BS, Garner JE, Laufer FN, Porterfield J, Ramadan A, Robillard AG, Wood PH. Journal of Correctional Healthcare CDC/HRSA HIV/AIDS Intervention, Prevention, and Continuity of Care Demonstration Project for Incarcerated Individuals within Correctional Settings and the Community: Implementation Issues During Years One and Two 2003. PMID:

  57. Kindrick A, Myers J, Goldschmidt RH.. Occupational & Environmental Medicine Occupational Exposure to Blood-Borne Pathogens: Emerging Issues from the National HIV/AIDS Clinicians’ Consultation Center 2002. PMID: