Edwin Charlebois, PhD, MPH, BA
As a senior scientist at the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) my research program focuses on the epidemiology and prevention of HIV infection and its consequences. Overarching this focus are translational science efforts to improve the methodology and evaluation of research and interventions aimed at controlling and eventually eliminating the domestic and international spread of HIV.
Domestic HIV Research: My most recent domestic HIV prevention research is an evaluation of the potential effect of expanded ART and HIV testing strategies on reducing the number of new HIV infections in San Francisco. In this computational biology modeling paper published in CID in 2011 (with an accompanying editorial) we estimated significant reductions in new HIV infections are likely with expanded HIV treatment of those already in care and even greater gains with more frequent at-risk community HIV testing. This research along with the results of recent clinical trials were cited as evidence for a change in treatment policy in San Francisco to offer ART to all HIV infected persons. Our studies relate well with a recent editorial we published in 2010 in Archives of Internal Medicine wherein we highlight the importance of linking HIV infected persons into care and the associated potential HIV prevention benefits.
Another priority research area for me is the development of methods for the evaluation of combination HIV prevention interventions. Combination HIV prevention interventions are specifically called for in the US National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) and specific evaluation methods for them have been identified as significant scientific gap in our recently published 2011 editorial in JAIDS on setting the NIH research agenda for the NHAS. Specifically, I have received developmental funding to pursue novel evaluation methods for community-level combination HIV prevention interventions that involve surveillance measurements of community HIV viral load, intervention process measures and structural equation modeling. In addition I will be co-directing a research team assisting in the evaluation of the San Francisco implementation of the HRSA and CDC’s 12-city project – a combination HIV prevention intervention comprising 14 interventions. In the fall of 2011 I will be leading a national round-table on the state-of-the-art and future research directions for evaluation methods for combination HIV prevention interventions to be hosted by the UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies.
International HIV Research: Internationally, my research focus is on HIV and co-infections/interaction with Tuberculosis and Malaria. Primarily working in East Africa, I am Principal Investigator of three NIH sponsored grants and co-investigator on several more. I am currently studying effective strategies for diagnosing HIV among outpatient TB evaluation patients and their family and household members in a 2,000 person randomized trial of home-based versus TB clinic based HIV testing and utilization of same-day rapid HIV tests. I am also involved in studying interactions between HIV protease inhibitor treatment and malaria incidence in two additional randomized HIV treatment trials among HIV infected children and HIV infected pregnant women. On a broader scale I am co-leading the development of a three country research collaboration, SEARCH (Sustainable East Africa Research in Community Health) to study the community level effectiveness of a program of community-wide HIV testing and universal HIV treatment to all HIV infected persons and its effect on HIV, TB, Malaria incidence and community economic and educational productivity. My area of research within the collaboration focuses on the 40 community-cluster randomized design, its HIV specific end-points of HIV incidence and community HIV viral load, and the development and evaluation of streamlined HIV care and evaluation.
Training the Next Generation of HIV Scientists: An important part of my research program is training and mentoring the next generation of HIV scientists. As the principal investigator of 2 large international data management and statistical support cores (one for a NICHD supported program project, and one for a NIAID funded International Center for Excellence in Malaria Research, ICEMR) – I am able to organize and support the cores as a resource for training and mentoring post-doctoral researchers and medical students in international HIV and clinical research. Through individual level research mentorship, a weekly international investigators seminar held in the US, the UCSF CAPS Traineeship in AIDS Prevention Studies (TAPS) program, and affiliated NIH K training grants, I supervise and assist between 3-5 trainees annually in the development of individual research projects, and epidemiologic and biostatistical training.
Sheira LA, Kwena ZA, Ayieko B, Charlebois ED, Agot K, Gutin SA, Lewis-Kulzer J, Olugo P, Gandhi M, Bukusi EA, Thirumurthy H, Adede D, Moody J, Camlin CS. The effect of a social network-based intervention on adherence to HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis and HIV viral suppression among Kenyan fishermen. AIDS (London, England) 2025. PMID: 39945623
Okore JO, Camlin CS, Lewis-Kulzer J, Gutin SA, Charlebois E, Ayieko B, Kwena Z, Agot K. Training Social Network-Central Fishermen in Western Kenya to Distribute HIV Self-Test Kits and Health Facility Referral Vouchers. African journal of AIDS research : AJAR 2024. PMID: 39618186
Anthony N. Muiru, James Ayieko, Jane Kabami, Mucunguzi Atukunda, Gordon Omondi Orori, Erick Mugoma Wafula, Debbie Adam, Edwin Charlebois, Maya Petersen, Diane Havlir, Moses Kamya, Michelle M. Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu. Mild CKD Is Predictive of Higher Mortality in Rural Uganda and Kenya. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2024. PMID:
Mucunguzi Atukunda, Edwin D. Charlebois, Brian Twinamatsiko, Ambrose Byamukama, Andrew Mutabazi, Cecilia Akatukwasa, Michael Ayebare, Winston Tindimwebwa, Alan Asiimwe, Geoff Lavoy, Elizabeth Arinitwe, Joan Nangendo, Justus Tumusiime, Laura B. Balzer, Emmy Okello, Gerald Mutungi, Heiner Grosskurth, Moses Kamya, Jane Kabami. Low levels of hypertension screening in HIV care clinics in rural Uganda: A mixed methods study. Open Research Europe 2024. PMID:
Mohamed S, Hsu CY, Charlebois ED, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Ayieko J, Orori G, Hickey MD, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Estrella MM, Muiru AN. Dipstick Leukocyturia as a Kidney Damage Biomarker in Rural Uganda and Kenya. Kidney Medicine 2024. PMID: 39296806
Kakande E, Ssekyanzi B, Abbott R, Ariho W, Nattabi G, Landsiedel K, Temple J, Chamie G, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Balzer LB, Marquez C. Prevalence and Predictors of Tuberculosis Infection in Children and Adolescents in Rural Uganda: A Cross-sectional Study. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2024. PMID: 39018476
Nugent JR, Marquez C, Charlebois ED, Abbott R, Balzer LB, SEARCH COLLABORATION. Blurring cluster randomized trials and observational studies: Two-Stage TMLE for subsampling, missingness, and few independent units. Biostatistics (Oxford, England) 2023. PMID: 37531621
Marquez C, Atukunda M, Nugent J, Charlebois ED, Chamie G, Mwangwa F, Ssemmondo E, Kironde J, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Kakande E, Ssekaynzi B, Abbott R, Ayieko J, Ruel T, Kwariisima D, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Balzer LB. Community-Wide Universal Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Test and Treat Intervention Reduces Tuberculosis Transmission in Rural Uganda: A Cluster-Randomized Trial. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2024. PMID: 38226445
Abbott R, Landsiedel K, Atukunda M, Puryear SB, Chamie G, Hahn JA, Mwangwa F, Kakande E, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Charlebois E, Balzer LB, Kamya MR, Marquez C. Incident Tuberculosis Infection is Associated with Alcohol use in Adults in Rural Uganda. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2024. PMID: 38824440
Owino L, Johnson-Peretz J, Lee J, Getahun M, Coppock-Pector D, Maeri I, Onyango A, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kabami J, Ayieko J, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Camlin CS. Exploring HIV risk perception mechanisms among youth in a test-and-treat trial in Kenya and Uganda. PLOS Global Public Health 2024. PMID: 38696376
Anthony Muiru, James Ayieko, Jane Kabami, Mucunguzi Atukunda, Gordon Orori, Mona Abraham, Wendy Chan, Matthew Hickey, Edwin Charlebois, Moses Kamya, Maya Petersen, Diane Havlir, Michelle Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu. WCN24-1590 APOL1 RISK VARIANTS AND CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE (CKD) IN RURAL UGANDA AND KENYA: THE SEARCH-CKD STUDY. Kidney international reports 2024. PMID:
Ayieko J, Balzer LB, Inviolata C, Kakande E, Opel F, Wafula EM, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Nakato H, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Bacon MC, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G, SEARCH Study Team. Randomized Trial of a "Dynamic Choice" Patient-Centered Care Intervention for Mobile Persons With HIV in East Africa. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2023. PMID: 38054932
Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Maeri I, Owino L, Thorp M, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. Improving care engagement for mobile people living with HIV in rural western Kenya. PloS one 2023. PMID: 37992063
Ayieko J, Thorp M, Getahun M, Gandhi M, Maeri I, Gutin SA, Okiring J, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Camlin CS, Murnane PM. Geographic Mobility and HIV Care Engagement among People Living with HIV in Rural Kenya and Uganda. Tropical medicine and infectious disease 2023. PMID: 37999615
Puryear SB, Ayieko J, Hahn JA, Mucunguzi A, Owaraganise A, Schwab J, Balzer LB, Kwarisiima D, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G. Universal HIV Testing and Treatment with Patient-Centered Care Improves ART Uptake and Viral Suppression among Adults Reporting Hazardous Alcohol Use in Uganda and Kenya. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2023. PMID: 37220015
Ruel T, Mwangwa F, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Nyabuti M, Mugoma WE, Kabami J, Kamugisha B, Black D, Nzarubara B, Opel F, Schrom J, Agengo G, Nakigudde J, Atuhaire HN, Schwab J, Peng J, Camlin C, Shade SB, Bukusi E, Kapogiannis BG, Charlebois E, Kamya MR, Havlir D. A multilevel health system intervention for virological suppression in adolescents and young adults living with HIV in rural Kenya and Uganda (SEARCH-Youth): a cluster randomised trial. The lancet. HIV 2023. PMID: 37541706
Okorie CN, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Lebu SA, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS. Sex specific differences in HIV status disclosure and care engagement among people living with HIV in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda. PLOS Global Public Health 2023. PMID: 37027350
Luetkemeyer AF, Donnell D, Dombrowski JC, Cohen S, Grabow C, Brown CE, Malinski C, Perkins R, Nasser M, Lopez C, Vittinghoff E, Buchbinder SP, Scott H, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Soge OO, Celum C, DoxyPEP Study Team. Postexposure Doxycycline to Prevent Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections. The New England journal of medicine 2023. PMID: 37018493
Marquez C, Chen Y, Atukunda M, Chamie G, Balzer LB, Kironde J, Ssemmondo E, Mwangwa F, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Kakande E, Abbott R, Ssekyanzi B, Koss C, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Petersen ML. The Association Between Social Network Characteristics and Tuberculosis Infection Among Adults in Nine Rural Ugandan Communities. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2022. PMID: 35982635
Liang C, Suen SC, Nguyen A, Moucheraud C, Hsu L, Holloway IW, Charlebois ED, Steward WT. The Impact of COVID-19 Response on the HIV Epidemic in Men Who Have Sex with Men in San Francisco County: The Importance of Rapid Return to Normalcy. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2023. PMID: 36728397
Atukunda M, Kabami J, Mutungi G, Twinamatsiko B, Nangendo J, Shade SB, Charlebois E, Grosskurth H, Kamya M, Okello E. Rationale and design of leveraging the HIV platform for hypertension control in Africa: protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial in Uganda. BMJ open 2022. PMID: 36600388
Gutin SA, Neilands TB, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Okiring J, Akullian A, Maeri I, Eyul P, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Camlin CS. Mobility is Associated with Higher-risk Sexual Partnerships Among Both Men and Women in Co-resident Couples in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. AIDS and behavior 2022. PMID: 36318427
Maeri I, Eyul P, Getahun M, Hatchett K, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Gutin SA, Johnson-Peretz J, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS. Nothing about us without us: Community-based participatory research to improve HIV care for mobile patients in Kenya and Uganda. Social science & medicine (1982) 2022. PMID: 36628879
Camlin CS, Getahun M, Koss CA, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Itiakorit H, Onyango A, Bakanoma R, Atwine F, Maeri I, Ayieko J, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Sang N, Kabami J, Kaplan RL, Chamie G, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Providers' Attitudes and Experiences with Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in a Population-Based Study in Kenya and Uganda. AIDS patient care and STDs 2022. PMID: 36201226
Lee JK, Gutin SA, Getahun M, Okiring J, Neilands TB, Akullian A, Ssali S, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS. Condom, modern contraceptive, and dual method use are associated with HIV status and relationship concurrency in a context of high mobility: A cross-sectional study of women of reproductive age in rural Kenya and Uganda, 2016. Contraception 2022. PMID: 36115610
Epstein A, Nagata JM, Ganson KT, Nash D, Saberi P, Tsai AC, Charlebois ED, Weiser SD. Drought, HIV Testing, and HIV Transmission Risk Behaviors: A Population-Based Study in 10 High HIV Prevalence Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. AIDS and behavior 2022. PMID: 36066761
Nagata JM, Hampshire K, Epstein A, Lin F, Zakaras J, Murnane P, Charlebois ED, Tsai AC, Nash D, Weiser SD. Analysis of Heavy Rainfall in Sub-Saharan Africa and HIV Transmission Risk, HIV Prevalence, and Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2005-2017. JAMA network open 2022. PMID: 36074468
Pujol-Hodge E, Salazar-Gonzalez JF, Ssemwanga D, Charlebois ED, Ayieko J, Grant HE, Liegler T, Atkins KE, Kaleebu P, Kamya MR, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Leigh Brown AJ. Detection of HIV-1 Transmission Clusters from Dried Blood Spots within a Universal Test-and-Treat Trial in East Africa. Viruses 2022. PMID: 36016295
Johnson-Peretz J, Lebu S, Akatukwasa C, Getahun M, Ruel T, Lee J, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owino L, Onyango A, Maeri I, Atwine F, Charlebois ED, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. "I was still very young": agency, stigma and HIV care strategies at school, baseline results of a qualitative study among youth in rural Kenya and Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2022. PMID: 35818888
Sheira LA, Kwena ZA, Charlebois ED, Agot K, Ayieko B, Gandhi M, Bukusi EA, Thirumurthy H, Camlin CS. Testing a social network approach to promote HIV self-testing and linkage to care among fishermen at Lake Victoria: study protocol for the Owete cluster randomized controlled trial. Trials 2022. PMID: 35668499
Mwangwa F, Charlebois ED, Ayieko J, Olio W, Black D, Peng J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Petersen ML, Kapogiannis B, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Ruel TD. Two or more significant life-events in 6-months are associated with lower rates of HIV treatment and virologic suppression among youth with HIV in Uganda and Kenya. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 35578398
Okiring J, Getahun M, Gutin SA, Lebu S, Lee J, Maeri I, Eyul P, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Neilands TB, Ssali S, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS. Sexual partnership concurrency and age disparities associated with sexually transmitted infection (STI) and risk behavior in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 35472527
Murnane PM, Gandhi M, Bacchetti P, Getahun M, Gutin SA, Okochi H, Maeri I, Eyul P, Omoding D, Okiring J, Tallerico R, Louie A, Akullian A, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS. Distinct forms of migration and mobility are differentially associated with HIV treatment adherence. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 35652674
Jakubowski A, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Charlebois ED, Owaraganise A, Marquez C, Clark TD, Black D, Shade SB, Chamie G, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Thirumurthy H. Effect of universal HIV testing and treatment on socioeconomic wellbeing in rural Kenya and Uganda: a cluster-randomised controlled trial. TO REMOVE 2022. PMID: 34919862
Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Kabami J, Ayieko J, Kwariisima D, Sang N, Clark TD, Schwab J, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Peng J, Jain V, Chen YH, Chamie G, Balzer LB, Havlir DV. SEARCH Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Streamlined Treatment Intervention Reduces Mortality at a Population Level in Men With Low CD4 Counts. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2021. PMID: 33783495
Anthony N. Muiru, Jane Kabami, Moses Kamya, Diane Havlir, Edwin Charlebois, Michelle M. Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu. Microscopic Hematuria and Leukocyturia Are Highly Prevalent in East Africa and Associated with CKD. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2021. PMID:
Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Sim N, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Opel FJ, Wafula E, Nyabuti M, Brown L, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Kwarisiima D, Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV. Effect of a patient-centered hypertension delivery strategy on all-cause mortality: Secondary analysis of SEARCH, a community-randomized trial in rural Kenya and Uganda. PLoS medicine 2021. PMID: 34543267
Jewell BL, Balzer LB, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Petersen ML, Bershteyn A. Predicting HIV Incidence in the SEARCH Trial: A Mathematical Modeling Study. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2021. PMID: 33770065
Chen YT, Brown L, Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Charlebois E, Clark T, Kamya M, Havlir DV, Petersen ML, Balzer LB. Social Networks and HIV Care Outcomes in Rural Kenya and Uganda. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2021. PMID: 33767114
Ayieko J, Petersen ML, Kabami J, Mwangwa F, Opel F, Nyabuti M, Charlebois ED, Peng J, Koss CA, Balzer LB, Chamie G, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Uptake and outcomes of a novel community-based HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) programme in rural Kenya and Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2021. PMID: 34152067
Akatukwasa C, Getahun M, El Ayadi AM, Namanya J, Maeri I, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Sanyu N, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. Dimensions of HIV-related stigma in rural communities in Kenya and Uganda at the start of a large HIV 'test and treat' trial. PloS one 2021. PMID: 33999961
Shade SB, Kirby VB, Stephens S, Moran L, Charlebois ED, Xavier J, Cajina A, Steward WT, Myers JJ. Outcomes and costs of publicly funded patient navigation interventions to enhance HIV care continuum outcomes in the United States: A before-and-after study. PLoS medicine 2021. PMID: 33983925
Shade SB, Osmand T, Kwarisiima D, Brown LB, Luo A, Mwebaza B, Mwesigye AR, Kwizera E, Imukeka H, Mwanga F, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Black D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Jain V. Costs of integrating hypertension care into HIV care in rural East African clinics. AIDS (London, England) 2021. PMID: 33821821
Koss CA, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Chamie G, Atukunda M, Mwinike Y, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Peng J, Olilo W, Snyman K, Awuonda B, Clark TD, Black D, Nugent J, Brown LB, Marquez C, Okochi H, Zhang K, Camlin CS, Jain V, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Balzer LB. HIV incidence after pre-exposure prophylaxis initiation among women and men at elevated HIV risk: A population-based study in rural Kenya and Uganda. PLoS medicine 2021. PMID: 33561143
Nyabuti MN, Petersen ML, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Mwangwa F, Kabami J, Sang N, Charlebois ED, Balzer LB, Schwab JD, Camlin CS, Black D, Clark TD, Chamie G, Havlir DV, Ayieko J. Characteristics of HIV seroconverters in the setting of universal test and treat: Results from the SEARCH trial in rural Uganda and Kenya. PloS one 2021. PMID: 33544717
Mwangwa F, Getahun M, Itiakorit H, Jain V, Ayieko J, Owino L, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Koss CA, Chamie G, Clark TD, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. Provider and Patient Perspectives of Rapid ART Initiation and Streamlined HIV Care: Qualitative Insights From Eastern African Communities. TO REMOVE 2021. PMID: 34841945
Vivek Jain, Lillian B Brown, Carina Marquez, Luis Rubio, Natasha Spottiswoode, Bethlehem Churnet, Katherine Brooks, Mengyu Zhou, Timothy Muldoon, Carolyn Hendrickson, Adithya Cattamanchi, Antonio Gomez, Brian Haas, Edwin Charlebois, Annie Luetkemeyer, Annie Luetkemeyer, Monica Gandhi, Diane Havlir, Sumant Ranji, Lisa Gail Winston. 448. Disproportionate Burden of COVID-19 on Latinx Residents among Hospitalized Patients at San Francisco’s Public Health Hospital. Open forum infectious diseases 2020. PMID:
Hickey MD, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Opel FJ, Owaraganise A, Balzer LB, Chamie G, Jain V, Peng J, Camlin C, Charlebois ED, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV. Improved Viral Suppression With Streamlined Care in the SEARCH Study. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2020. PMID: 32991337
Balzer LB, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Sang N, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Jain V, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, van der Laan M, Petersen ML. Machine learning to identify persons at high-risk of HIV acquisition in rural Kenya and Uganda. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2019. PMID: 31697383
Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Getahun M, Akatukwasa C, Atwine F, Itiakorit H, Bakanoma R, Maeri I, Owino L, Onyango A, Chamie G, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Sang N, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, V Havlir D. Pathways for reduction of HIV-related stigma: a model derived from longitudinal qualitative research in Kenya and Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2020. PMID: 33283986
Anthony N. Muiru, Assurah W. Elly, Jane Kabami, Mucunguzi Atukunda, Wendy Chan, Jennifer Puck, Edwin Charlebois, Diane Havlir, Moses Kamya, Michelle M. Estrella, Chi-yuan Hsu. The Distribution of APOL1 Risk Variants and Their Association with CKD in Rural East Africa: The SEARCH-CKD Study. Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2020. PMID:
Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Schwab J, van der Laan MJ, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Petersen ML. Far from MCAR: Obtaining population-level estimates of HIV viral suppression. Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.) 2020. PMID: 32452912
Kabami J, Balzer LB, Saddiki H, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Atukunda M, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Koss CA, Ruel T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Musoke P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Chamie G. Population-level viral suppression among pregnant and postpartum women in a universal test and treat trial. AIDS (London, England) 2020. PMID: 32472768
Camlin CS, Koss CA, Getahun M, Owino L, Itiakorit H, Akatukwasa C, Maeri I, Bakanoma R, Onyango A, Atwine F, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Mwangwa F, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Understanding Demand for PrEP and Early Experiences of PrEP Use Among Young Adults in Rural Kenya and Uganda: A Qualitative Study. AIDS and behavior 2020. PMID: 31955361
Finkelstein JL, Herman HS, Plenty A, Mehta S, Natureeba P, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Ruel T, Charlebois ED, Cohan D, Havlir D, Young SL. Anemia and Micronutrient Status during Pregnancy, and Their Associations with Obstetric and Infant Outcomes among HIV-Infected Ugandan Women Receiving Antiretroviral Therapy. Current developments in nutrition 2020. PMID: 32440638
Epstein A, Bendavid E, Nash D, Charlebois ED, Weiser SD. Drought and intimate partner violence towards women in 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa during 2011-2018: A population-based study. PLoS medicine 2020. PMID: 32191701
Muiru AN, Charlebois ED, Balzer LB, Kwarisiima D, Elly A, Black D, Okiror S, Kabami J, Atukunda M, Snyman K, Petersen M, Kamya M, Havlir D, Estrella MM, Hsu CY. The epidemiology of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in rural East Africa: A population-based study. PloS one 2020. PMID: 32130245
Puryear SB, Balzer LB, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Hahn JA, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Chamie G. Associations between alcohol use and HIV care cascade outcomes among adults undergoing population-based HIV testing in East Africa. AIDS (London, England) 2019. PMID: 31725431
Koss CA, Charlebois ED, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Balzer LB, Atukunda M, Mwangwa F, Peng J, Mwinike Y, Owaraganise A, Chamie G, Jain V, Sang N, Olilo W, Brown LB, Marquez C, Zhang K, Ruel TD, Camlin CS, Rooney JF, Black D, Clark TD, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Uptake, engagement, and adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis offered after population HIV testing in rural Kenya and Uganda: 72-week interim analysis of observational data from the SEARCH study. The lancet. HIV 2020. PMID: 32087152
Marquez C, Atukunda M, Balzer LB, Chamie G, Kironde J, Ssemmondo E, Ruel TD, Mwangwa F, Tram KH, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. The age-specific burden and household and school-based predictors of child and adolescent tuberculosis infection in rural Uganda. PloS one 2020. PMID: 31995631
Heller DJ, Balzer LB, Kazi D, Charlebois ED, Kwarisiima D, Mwangwa F, Jain V, Kotwani P, Chamie G, Cohen CR, Clark TD, Ayieko J, Byonanabye DM, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Kahn JG. Hypertension testing and treatment in Uganda and Kenya through the SEARCH study: An implementation fidelity and outcome evaluation. PloS one 2020. PMID: 31940346
Brown LB, Balzer LB, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Ayieko J, Chen Y, Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Moody J, Havlir DV, Petersen ML. The Influence of Social Networks on Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation Among HIV-Infected Antiretroviral Therapy-Naive Youth in Rural Kenya and Uganda. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2020. PMID: 31809357
Olilo WA, Petersen ML, Koss CA, Wafula E, Kwarisiima D, Kadede K, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Ayieko J. Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (Prep) Uptake among Older Individuals in Rural Western Kenya. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2019. PMID: 31490343
Camlin CS, Charlebois ED. Mobility and its Effects on HIV Acquisition and Treatment Engagement: Recent Theoretical and Empirical Advances. Current HIV/AIDS reports 2019. PMID: 31256348
Havlir DV, Balzer LB, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Sang N, Liegler T, Chamie G, Camlin CS, Jain V, Kadede K, Atukunda M, Ruel T, Shade SB, Ssemmondo E, Byonanebye DM, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Olilo W, Black D, Snyman K, Burger R, Getahun M, Achando J, Awuonda B, Nakato H, Kironde J, Okiror S, Thirumurthy H, Koss C, Brown L, Marquez C, Schwab J, Lavoy G, Plenty A, Mugoma Wafula E, Omanya P, Chen YH, Rooney JF, Bacon M, van der Laan M, Cohen CR, Bukusi E, Kamya MR, Petersen M. HIV Testing and Treatment with the Use of a Community Health Approach in Rural Africa. The New England journal of medicine 2019. PMID: 31314966
Muhindo MK, Jagannathan P, Kakuru A, Opira B, Olwoch P, Okiring J, Nalugo N, Clark TD, Ruel T, Charlebois E, Feeney ME, Havlir DV, Dorsey G, Kamya MR. Intermittent preventive treatment with dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and risk of malaria following cessation in young Ugandan children: a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. The Lancet. Infectious diseases 2019. PMID: 31307883
Tram KH, Mwangwa F, Chamie G, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Ayieko J, Jain V, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Marquez C. Predictors of isoniazid preventive therapy completion among HIV-infected patients receiving differentiated and non-differentiated HIV care in rural Uganda. AIDS care 2019. PMID: 31181961
Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Bershteyn A, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Maeri I, Eyul P, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED. Gendered dimensions of population mobility associated with HIV across three epidemics in rural Eastern Africa. Health & place 2019. PMID: 31152972
Kwarisiima D, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Chamie G, Clark T, Kabami J, Jain V, Byonanebye D, Mwangwa F, Balzer LB, Charlebois E, Kamya MR, Petersen M, Havlir DV, Brown LB. Hypertension control in integrated HIV and chronic disease clinics in Uganda in the SEARCH study. BMC public health 2019. PMID: 31060545
Ayieko J, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Brown LB, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Van Rie A. A Patient-Centered Multicomponent Strategy for Accelerated Linkage to Care Following Community-Wide HIV Testing in Rural Uganda and Kenya. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2019. PMID: 30807481
Mayer CM, Owaraganise A, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, Koss CA, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Jewell BL. Distance to clinic is a barrier to PrEP uptake and visit attendance in a community in rural Uganda. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2019. PMID: 31037845
Lin J, Hecht J, Plenty AH, Siedle-Khan B, Zamudio-Haas S, Ayala A, Charlebois ED.. Alcohol Consumption and Management Strategies Among Gay Bar Patrons in San Francisco and Oakland, CA Contemporary Drug Problems 2019. PMID:
Brown LB, Getahun M, Ayieko J, Kwarisiima D, Owaraganise A, Atukunda M, Olilo W, Clark T, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. Factors predictive of successful retention in care among HIV-infected men in a universal test-and-treat setting in Uganda and Kenya: A mixed methods analysis. PloS one 2019. PMID: 30673744
Ayieko J, Chamie G, Balzer L, Kwarisiima D, Kabami J, Sang N, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Clark TD, Plenty A, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Kamya M, Havlir D, Ruel T. Mobile, Population-Wide, Hybrid HIV Testing Strategy Increases Number of Children Tested in Rural Kenya and Uganda. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2018. PMID: 30199482
Koss CA, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Balzer LB, Plenty A, Sang N, Kabami J, Ruel TD, Black D, Camlin CS, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Early Adopters of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Preexposure Prophylaxis in a Population-based Combination Prevention Study in Rural Kenya and Uganda. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2018. PMID: 29741594
Shade SB, Osmand T, Luo A, Aine R, Assurah E, Mwebaza B, Mwai D, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Ayieko J, Black D, Brown LB, Clark TD, Kwarisiima D, Thirumurthy H, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Balzer L, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Jain V. Costs of streamlined HIV care delivery in rural Ugandan and Kenyan clinics in the search study. AIDS (London, England) 2018. PMID: 30134294
Ayieko J, Brown L, Anthierens S, Van Rie A, Getahun M, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Havlir DV, Camlin CS. "Hurdles on the path to 90-90-90 and beyond": Qualitative analysis of barriers to engagement in HIV care among individuals in rural East Africa in the context of test-and-treat. PloS one 2018. PMID: 30161172
Jagannathan P, Kakuru A, Okiring J, Muhindo MK, Natureeba P, Nakalembe M, Opira B, Olwoch P, Nankya F, Ssewanyana I, Tetteh K, Drakeley C, Beeson J, Reiling L, Clark TD, Rodriguez-Barraquer I, Greenhouse B, Wallender E, Aweeka F, Prahl M, Charlebois ED, Feeney ME, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Dorsey G. Dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for intermittent preventive treatment of malaria during pregnancy and risk of malaria in early childhood: A randomized controlled trial. PLoS medicine 2018. PMID: 30016328
Camlin CS, Akullian A, Neilands TB, Getahun M, Eyul P, Maeri I, Ssali S, Geng E, Gandhi M, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Odeny T, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED. Population mobility associated with higher risk sexual behaviour in eastern African communities participating in a Universal Testing and Treatment trial. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2018. PMID: 30027668
Jakubowski A, Snyman K, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Burger R, Balzer L, Clark T, Chamie G, Shade S, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Thirumurthy H. High CD4 counts associated with better economic outcomes for HIV-positive adults and their HIV-negative household members in the SEARCH Trial. PloS one 2018. PMID: 29944678
Ayieko J, Petersen ML, van Rie A, Wafula E, Opudo W, Clark TD, Kamya MR, Balzer LB, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Effect of a Patient-Centered Phone Call by a Clinical Officer at Time of HIV Testing on Linkage to Care in Rural Kenya. Open forum infectious diseases 2018. PMID: 29977971
Chamie G, Kato-Maeda M, Emperador DM, Wandera B, Mugagga O, Crandall J, Janes M, Marquez C, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Spatial overlap links seemingly unconnected genotype-matched TB cases in rural Uganda. Volume 13 of Issue 2. PloS one 2018. PMID: 29438413
Tram KH, Mwangwa F, Atukunda M, Owaraganise A, Ayieko J, Plenty A, Kwariisima D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Chamie G, Havlir DV, Marquez C. Isoniazid Preventive Therapy Completion in the Era of Differentiated HIV Care. Volume 76 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2017. PMID: 28885271
Mwangwa F, Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Ayieko J, Owaraganise A, Ruel TD, Plenty A, Tram KH, Clark TD, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Petersen M, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Marquez C. Gaps in the Child Tuberculosis Care Cascade in 32 Rural Communities in Uganda and Kenya. Volume 9. Journal of clinical tuberculosis and other mycobacterial diseases 2017. PMID: 29291251
Camlin CS, Charlebois ED, Geng E, Semitala F, Wallenta J, Getahun M, Kampiire L, Bukusi EA, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Redemption of the "spoiled identity:" the role of HIV-positive individuals in HIV care cascade interventions. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017. PMID: 29210185
Semitala FC, Camlin CS, Wallenta J, Kampiire L, Katuramu R, Amanyire G, Namusobya J, Chang W, Kahn JG, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Geng EH. Understanding uptake of an intervention to accelerate antiretroviral therapy initiation in Uganda via qualitative inquiry. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017. PMID: 29206357
Charlebois ED, Plenty AH, Lin J, Ayala A, Carrico AW, Hecht J. Correction to: Impact of a Structural Intervention to Address Alcohol Use Among Gay Bar Patrons in San Francisco: The PACE Study. AIDS and behavior 2017. PMID: 29058162
Charlebois ED, Plenty AH, Lin J, Ayala A, Hecht J. Impact of a Structural Intervention to Address Alcohol Use Among Gay Bar Patrons in San Francisco: The PACE Study. AIDS and behavior 2017. PMID: 28840396
Brown LB, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Jain V, Ruel T, Clark T, Black D, Chamie G, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Predictors of Retention in HIV Care Among Youth (15-24) in a Universal Test-and-Treat Setting in Rural Kenya. Volume 76 of Issue 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2017. PMID: 28394821
Kwarisiima D, Kamya MR, Owaraganise A, Mwangwa F, Byonanebye DM, Ayieko J, Plenty A, Black D, Clark TD, Nzarubara B, Snyman K, Brown L, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Geng EH, Charlebois ED, Ruel TD, Petersen ML, Havlir D, Jain V. High rates of viral suppression in adults and children with high CD4+ counts using a streamlined ART delivery model in the SEARCH trial in rural Uganda and Kenya. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2017. PMID: 28770596
Natureeba P, Kakuru A, Muhindo M, Ochieng T, Ategeka J, Koss CA, Plenty A, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Nzarubara B, Nakalembe M, Cohan D, Rizzuto G, Muehlenbachs A, Ruel T, Jagannathan P, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Dorsey G. Intermittent Preventive Treatment With Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the Prevention of Malaria Among HIV-Infected Pregnant Women. The Journal of infectious diseases 2017. PMID: 28329368
Petersen M, Balzer L, Kwarsiima D, Sang N, Chamie G, Ayieko J, Kabami J, Owaraganise A, Liegler T, Mwangwa F, Kadede K, Jain V, Plenty A, Brown L, Lavoy G, Schwab J, Black D, van der Laan M, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Clark TD, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Havlir D. Association of Implementation of a Universal Testing and Treatment Intervention With HIV Diagnosis, Receipt of Antiretroviral Therapy, and Viral Suppression in East Africa. Volume 317 of Issue 21. JAMA 2017. PMID: 28586888
Koss CA, Natureeba P, Kwarisiima D, Ogena M, Clark TD, Olwoch P, Cohan D, Okiring J, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Viral Suppression and Retention in Care up to 5 Years After Initiation of Lifelong ART During Pregnancy (Option B+) in Rural Uganda. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2017. PMID: 27828878
Jain V, Petersen ML, Liegler T, Byonanebye DM, Kwarisiima D, Chamie G, Sang N, Black D, Clark TD, Ladai A, Plenty A, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Population levels and geographical distribution of HIV RNA in rural Ugandan and Kenyan communities, including serodiscordant couples: a cross-sectional analysis. Volume 4 of Issue 3. The lancet. HIV 2016. PMID: 27989576
Achan J, Kakuru A, Ikilezi G, Mwangwa F, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Young S, Havlir D, Kamya M, Ruel T. Growth Recovery Among HIV-infected Children Randomized to Lopinavir/Ritonavir or NNRTI-based Antiretroviral Therapy. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2016. PMID: 27580060
Brown LB, Havlir DV, Ayieko J, Mwangwa F, Owaraganise A, Kwarisiima D, Jain V, Ruel T, Clark T, Chamie G, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya MR, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED. High levels of retention in care with streamlined care and universal test and treat in East Africa. Volume 30 of Issue 18. AIDS (London, England) 2016. PMID: 27603290
Chang W, Chamie G, Mwai D, Clark TD, Thirumurthy H, Charlebois ED, Petersen M, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Kadede K, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, Kamya M, Havlir DV, Kahn JG. Implementation and Operational Research: Cost and Efficiency of a Hybrid Mobile Multidisease Testing Approach With High HIV Testing Coverage in East Africa. Volume 73 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016. PMID: 27741031
Ssemmondo E, Mwangwa F, Kironde JL, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Marquez C, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G. Implementation and Operational Research: Population-Based Active Tuberculosis Case Finding During Large-Scale Mobile HIV Testing Campaigns in Rural Uganda. Volume 73 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016. PMID: 27741032
Kadede K, Ruel T, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kwarisiima D, Bukusi E, Cohen CR, Liegler T, Clark TD, Charlebois ED, Petersen ML, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Chamie G. Increased adolescent HIV testing with a hybrid mobile strategy in Uganda and Kenya. Volume 30 of Issue 14. AIDS (London, England) 2016. PMID: 27258399
Amanyire G, Semitala FC, Namusobya J, Katuramu R, Kampiire L, Wallenta J, Charlebois E, Camlin C, Kahn J, Chang W, Glidden D, Kamya M, Havlir D, Geng E. Effects of a multicomponent intervention to streamline initiation of antiretroviral therapy in Africa: a stepped-wedge cluster-randomised trial. The lancet. HIV 2016. PMID: 27658873
Marquez C, Chamie G, Achan J, Luetkemeyer AF, Kyohere M, Okiring J, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Tuberculosis Infection in Early Childhood and the Association with HIV-exposure in HIV-uninfected Children in Rural Uganda. Volume 35 of Issue 5. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2016. PMID: 26771662
Camlin CS, Seeley J, Viljoen L, Vernooij E, Simwinga M, Reynolds L, Reis R, Plank R, Orne-Gliemann J, McGrath N, Larmarange J, Hoddinott G, Getahun M, Charlebois ED, Bond V. Strengthening universal HIV 'test-and-treat' approaches with social science research. AIDS (London, England) 2016. PMID: 26959355
Kakuru A, Jagannathan P, Muhindo MK, Natureeba P, Awori P, Nakalembe M, Opira B, Olwoch P, Ategeka J, Nayebare P, Clark TD, Feeney ME, Charlebois ED, Rizzuto G, Muehlenbachs A, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Dorsey G. Dihydroartemisinin-Piperaquine for the Prevention of Malaria in Pregnancy. Volume 374 of Issue 10. The New England journal of medicine 2016. PMID: 26962728
Koss CA, Natureeba P, Nyafwono D, Plenty A, Mwesigwa J, Nzarubara B, Clark TD, Ruel TD, Achan J, Charlebois ED, Cohan D, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Young SL. Brief Report: Food Insufficiency Is Associated With Lack of Sustained Viral Suppression Among HIV-Infected Pregnant and Breastfeeding Ugandan Women. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2016. PMID: 26397935
Chamie G, Clark TD, Kabami J, Kadede K, Ssemmondo E, Steinfeld R, Lavoy G, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Jain V, Thirumurthy H, Liegler T, Balzer LB, Petersen ML, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. A hybrid mobile approach for population-wide HIV testing in rural east Africa: an observational study. Volume 3 of Issue 3. The lancet. HIV 2016. PMID: 26939734
Maeri I, El Ayadi A, Getahun M, Charlebois E, Akatukwasa C, Tumwebaze D, Itiakorit H, Owino L, Kwarisiima D, Ssemmondo E, Sang N, Kabami J, Clark TD, Petersen M, Cohen CR, Bukusi EA, Kamya M, Havlir D, Camlin CS. "How can I tell?" Consequences of HIV status disclosure among couples in eastern African communities in the context of an ongoing HIV "test-and-treat" trial. AIDS care 2016. PMID: 27421052
Thirumurthy H, Jakubowski A, Camlin C, Kabami J, Ssemmondo E, Elly A, Mwai D, Clark T, Cohen C, Bukusi E, Kamya M, Petersen M, Havlir D, Charlebois ED. Expectations about future health and longevity in Kenyan and Ugandan communities receiving a universal test-and-treat intervention in the SEARCH trial. AIDS care 2016. PMID: 27421056
Camlin CS, Ssemmondo E, Chamie G, El Ayadi AM, Kwarisiima D, Sang N, Kabami J, Charlebois E, Petersen M, Clark TD, Bukusi EA, Cohen CR, R Kamya M, Havlir D. Men "missing" from population-based HIV testing: insights from qualitative research. Volume 28 Suppl 3. AIDS care 2016. PMID: 27421053
Gutierrez JB, Harb OS, Zheng J, Tisch DJ, Charlebois ED, Stoeckert CJ, Sullivan SA. A Framework for Global Collaborative Data Management for Malaria Research. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2015. PMID: 26259944
Young S, Natamba B, Luwedde F, Nyafwono D, Okia B, Osterbauer B, Natureeba P, Johnson L, Michel C, Zheng A, Robine M, Achan J, Charlebois E, Cohan D, Havlir D. "I Have Remained Strong Because of That Food": Acceptability and Use of Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements Among Pregnant HIV-Infected Ugandan Women Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy. AIDS and behavior 2015. PMID: 25416075
Evans D, Van Gorder D, Morin SF, Steward WT, Gaffney S, Charlebois ED. Acceptance of the use of HIV surveillance data for care engagement: national and local community perspectives. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015. PMID: 25867776
Christopoulos KA, Scheer S, Steward WT, Barnes R, Hartogensis W, Charlebois ED, Morin SF, Truong HM, Geng EH. Examining clinic-based and public health approaches to ascertainment of HIV care status. Volume 69 Suppl 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2015. PMID: 25867779
Koss CA, Natureeba P, Mwesigwa J, Cohan D, Nzarubara B, Bacchetti P, Horng H, Clark TD, Plenty A, Ruel TD, Achan J, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Gandhi M. Hair concentrations of antiretrovirals predict viral suppression in HIV-infected pregnant and breastfeeding Ugandan women. AIDS (London, England) 2015. PMID: 25985404
Chamie G, Charlebois ED. Authors' response. Volume 20 of Issue 7. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2015. PMID: 25778797
Bartelink IH, Savic RM, Dorsey G, Ruel T, Gingrich D, Scherpbier HJ, Capparelli E, Jullien V, Young SL, Achan J, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Havlir D, Aweeka F. The effect of malnutrition on the pharmacokinetics and virologic outcomes of lopinavir, efavirenz and nevirapine in food insecure HIV-infected children in Tororo, Uganda. Volume 34 of Issue 3. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2015. PMID: 25742090
Chamie G, Wandera B, Marquez C, Kato-Maeda M, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Identifying locations of recent TB transmission in rural Uganda: a multidisciplinary approach. Volume 20 of Issue 4. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2015. PMID: 25583212
Cohan D, Natureeba P, Koss CA, Plenty A, Luwedde F, Mwesigwa J, Ades V, Charlebois ED, Gandhi M, Clark TD, Nzarubara B, Achan J, Ruel T, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Efficacy and safety of lopinavir/ritonavir versus efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected pregnant Ugandan women. AIDS (London, England) 2015. PMID: 25426808
Young SL, Plenty AH, Luwedde FA, Natamba BK, Natureeba P, Achan J, Mwesigwa J, Ruel TD, Ades V, Osterbauer B, Clark TD, Dorsey G, Charlebois ED, Kamya M, Havlir DV, Cohan DL. Household food insecurity, maternal nutritional status, and infant feeding practices among HIV-infected Ugandan women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. Maternal and child health journal 2014. PMID: 24585398
Koss CA, Natureeba P, Plenty A, Luwedde F, Mwesigwa J, Ades V, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Achan J, Ruel T, Nzarubara B, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Cohan D. Risk factors for preterm birth among HIV-infected pregnant Ugandan women randomized to lopinavir/ritonavir- or efavirenz-based antiretroviral therapy. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2014. PMID: 25072616
Jain V, Byonanebye DM, Amanyire G, Kwarisiima D, Black D, Kabami J, Chamie G, Clark TD, Rooney JF, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Successful antiretroviral therapy delivery and retention in care among asymptomatic individuals with high CD4+ T-cell counts above 350 cells/µl in rural Uganda. Volume 28 of Issue 15. AIDS (London, England) 2014. PMID: 25022596
Marquez C, Davis JL, Katamba A, Haguma P, Ochom E, Ayakaka I, Chamie G, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Charlebois E, Havlir DV, Cattamanchi A. Assessing the quality of tuberculosis evaluation for children with prolonged cough presenting to routine community health care settings in rural Uganda. Volume 9 of Issue 8. PloS one 2014. PMID: 25170875
Marquez C, Okiring J, Chamie G, Ruel TD, Achan J, Kakuru A, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Dorsey G. Increased morbidity in early childhood among HIV-exposed uninfected children in Uganda is associated with breastfeeding duration. Volume 60 of Issue 6. Journal of tropical pediatrics 2014. PMID: 25145704
Natureeba P, Ades V, Luwedde F, Mwesigwa J, Plenty A, Okong P, Charlebois ED, Clark TD, Nzarubara B, Havlir DV, Achan J, Kamya MR, Cohan D, Dorsey G. Lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral treatment (ART) versus efavirenz-based ART for the prevention of malaria among HIV-infected pregnant women. The Journal of infectious diseases 2014. PMID: 24958908
Kakuru A, Achan J, Muhindo MK, Ikilezi G, Arinaitwe E, Mwangwa F, Ruel T, Clark TD, Charlebois E, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Kamya MR, Tappero JW, Dorsey G. Artemisinin-based combination therapies are efficacious and safe for treatment of uncomplicated malaria in HIV-infected Ugandan children. Volume 59 of Issue 3. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2014. PMID: 24759826
Ruel TD, Kakuru A, Ikilezi G, Mwangwa F, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Kamya M, Achan J. Virologic and immunologic outcomes of HIV-infected Ugandan children randomized to lopinavir/ritonavir or nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy. Volume 65 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2014. PMID: 24326597
Julia Finkelstein, Albert Plenty, Saurabh Mehta, Paul Natureeba, Tamara Clark, Moses Kamya, Edwin Charlebois, Deborah Cohan, Diane Havlir, Sera Young. Anemia, vitamin B12, and folate statuses during pregnancy, and their association with obstetric outcomes among HIV-infected Ugandan women receiving ART (804.8). The FASEB Journal 2014. PMID:
Jain V, Byonanebye DM, Liegler T, Kwarisiima D, Chamie G, Kabami J, Petersen ML, Balzer LB, Clark TD, Black D, Thirumurthy H, Geng EH, Charlebois ED, Amanyire G, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Changes in population HIV RNA levels in Mbarara, Uganda, during scale-up of HIV antiretroviral therapy access. Volume 65 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2014. PMID: 24146022
Kotwani P, Balzer L, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Kabami J, Byonanebye D, Bainomujuni B, Black D, Chamie G, Jain V, Thirumurthy H, Kamya MR, Geng EH, Petersen ML, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Evaluating linkage to care for hypertension after community-based screening in rural Uganda. Volume 19 of Issue 4. Tropical medicine & international health : TM & IH 2014. PMID: 24495307
Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Kabami J, Jain V, Geng E, Balzer LB, Petersen ML, Thirumurthy H, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Uptake of community-based HIV testing during a multi-disease health campaign in rural Uganda. Volume 9 of Issue 1. PloS one 2014. PMID: 24392124
Kotwani P, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Kabami J, Geng EH, Jain V, Chamie G, Petersen ML, Thirumurthy H, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. Epidemiology and awareness of hypertension in a rural Ugandan community: a cross-sectional study. Volume 13. BMC public health 2013. PMID: 24321133
Das M, Christopoulos KA, Geckeler D, Huriaux E, Cohen SE, Philip S, Shade S, Moss NJ, Morin SF, Charlebois ED. Linkage to HIV care in San Francisco: implications of measure selection. Volume 64 Suppl 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 24126446
Tsai AC, Mimiaga MJ, Dilley JW, Hammer GP, Karasic DH, Charlebois ED, Sorensen JL, Safren SA, Bangsberg DR. Does effective depression treatment alone reduce secondary HIV transmission risk? Equivocal findings from a randomized controlled trial. AIDS and behavior 2013. PMID: 23975476
Bartelink IH, Savic RM, Mwesigwa J, Achan J, Clark T, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Kamya M, Young SL, Gandhi M, Havlir D, Cohan D, Aweeka F. Pharmacokinetics of lopinavir/ritonavir and efavirenz in food insecure HIV-infected pregnant and breastfeeding women in Tororo, Uganda. Journal of clinical pharmacology 2013. PMID: 24038035
Gandhi M, Mwesigwa J, Aweeka F, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Ruel TD, Huang Y, Clark T, Ades V, Natureeba P, Luwedde FA, Achan J, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Cohan D. Hair and plasma data show that lopinavir, ritonavir, and efavirenz all transfer from mother to infant in utero, but only efavirenz transfers via breastfeeding. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2013. PMID: 24135775
Kim LH, Arinaitwe E, Nzarubara B, Kamya MR, Clark TD, Okong P, Charlebois ED, Havlir DV, Cohan D. Acceptability and feasibility of serial HIV antibody testing during pregnancy/postpartum and male partner testing in Tororo, Uganda. AIDS care 2013. PMID: 23909832
Namusobya J, Semitala FC, Amanyire G, Kabami J, Chamie G, Bogere J, Jain V, Clark TD, Charlebois E, Havlir DV, Kamya M, Geng EH. High retention in care among HIV-infected patients entering care with CD4 levels >350 cells/µL under routine program conditions in Uganda. Volume 57 of Issue 9. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2013. PMID: 23899683
Ades V, Mwesigwa J, Natureeba P, Clark TD, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Achan J, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Cohan D, Ruel TD. Neonatal mortality in HIV-exposed infants born to women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy in Rural Uganda. Journal of tropical pediatrics 2013. PMID: 23764539
Chamie G, Wandera B, Luetkemeyer A, Bogere J, Mugerwa RD, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Household ventilation and tuberculosis transmission in Kampala, Uganda. Volume 17 of Issue 6. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2013. PMID: 23676159
Thirumurthy H, Chamie G, Jain V, Kabami J, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Geng E, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Improved employment and education outcomes in households of HIV-infected adults with high CD4 cell counts: evidence from a community health campaign in Uganda. Volume 27 of Issue 4. AIDS (London, England) 2013. PMID: 23169332
Ikilezi G, Achan J, Kakuru A, Ruel T, Charlebois E, Clark TD, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Kamya MR, Dorsey G. Prevalence of asymptomatic parasitemia and gametocytemia among HIV-infected Ugandan children randomized to receive different antiretroviral therapies. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2013. PMID: 23358639
Jain V, Liegler T, Kabami J, Chamie G, Clark TD, Black D, Geng EH, Kwarisiima D, Wong JK, Abdel-Mohsen M, Sonawane N, Aweeka FT, Thirumurthy H, Petersen ML, Charlebois ED, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Assessment of population-based HIV RNA levels in a rural east African setting using a fingerprick-based blood collection method. Volume 56 of Issue 4. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2012. PMID: 23243180
Achan J, Kakuru A, Ikilezi G, Ruel T, Clark TD, Nsanzabana C, Charlebois E, Aweeka F, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Kamya MR. Antiretroviral agents and prevention of malaria in HIV-infected Ugandan children. The New England journal of medicine 2012. PMID: 23190222
. Tiam, O. Oyebanji, J. Nkonyana, A. Ahimbisibwe, M. Putsoane, M. Mokone, M. Nyabela, A. Isavwa, M. Tsoeu, M. Foso, L. Buhendwa, G. Chamie, D. Kwarisiima, T. Clark, J. Kabami, V. Jain, E. Geng, M. Petersen, H. Thirumurthy, M. Kamya, D.V. Havlir, E. Charlebois, SEARCH Consortium, G. Hounkanrin, Y. Melkamu, I.M. Ibrahim, I. Ogo, O. Opeyemi, D. Toki, S. Grote, S. Middleton-Lee, J. Robertson, S. Mehta, J. Bertrand, D. Rech, E. Njeuhmeli, D. Castor, S. Frade, M. Loolpapit, M. Machaku, W. Mavhu, L. Perry, J. Bertrand, D. Rech, E. Njeuhmeli, D. Castor, S. Frade, M. Loolpapit, M. Machaku, W. Mavhu, L. Perry, N. Soboil, J. Cockburn, D. Rech, D. Taljaard, K. Agot, S. Ohaga, B. Ayieko, E. Omanga, M. Kabare, J. Lates, B. Ongeri, A. Wolde, E. Sagwa, D. Mabirizi, M. Touhon, A. Pringle, C. Sheridan, J.B. Evi, H. Kizito, G. Tugume, L. Jaramillo, V.S. Mulema, S. Kabogoza, D. Tumuhairwe, L. Mumbe, R. Kimuli, A. Mugume, J. Kohler, A. Revathi, U. Gwarzo, T. Maji, S. Isa-Dutse, Y. Ahmed, K. Obayagbona, E. Okechukwu, S. Odafe, H. Khamofu, K. Torpey, O. Chabikuli, E. Mulenga, C. Chisoko, Y. Mulenga, C. Makoane, R. Yekeye, A. Manenji, D.T. Magure, K. Regan, D. Seo, E. Churchman, J. Kiwango, S. Gervas, L. Whiddon, J. Cohn, K. Xiong, A. Veres, S. Dryden-Peterson, E. van Widenfelt, P. Motshegwa, M. Mine, S. Moyo, K. Keapoletswe, A. Avalos, M. Mmalane, R. Shapiro, S. Lockman, O. Tobaiwa, T. Bollinger, N. Sitoe, J. Lehe, T. Peter, I. Jani, J. Quevedo, C.O. Nwuba, T. Dagunduro, C. Umenyi, B. Peters, F. Afolayan, O. Abolarin, N. Segaren, T. Lewis, O. Desinor, E. Simeon, N. Segaren, P. Drain, E. Losina, S. Chetty, J. Giddy, D. Ross, J. Katz, S. Coleman, L. Bogart, K. Freedberg, R. Walensky, B. Ingrid, K. Sabapathy, R. Van den Bergh, S. Fidler, R. Hayes, N. Ford, A. Fulwood Wood, D. Parris, F. Terrell Hamilton, S. Brockington, T. Mbengashe, Z. Nevhutalu, M. Chipimo, T. Chidarikire, L. Diseko, J. van der Helm, F. Zuure, H. Fennema, U. Davidovich, M. Prins, HIVTest@Home study group, C. Panessa, W. O'Briain, G. McGowan, J. Montaner, P. Kendall, V.R. Tirumalasetti, B. Mahapatra, S. Juneja, I. Singh, V. Jain, D. Kwarisiima, T. Liegler, T. Clark, G. Chamie, J. Kabami, D. Black, G. Amanyire, D. Byonanebye, E. Geng, H. Thirumurthy, M. Petersen, E. Charlebois, M. Kamya, D. Havlir, the SEARCH Collaboration, A. Hill, W. Sawyer, N.Z. Chimbindi, M.-L. Newell, T. Bärnighausen, J. Bor, T. Bärnighausen, F. Tanser, M.-L. Newell, D. Sun, S. Dorman, M. Shah, Y. Manabe, D. Dowdy, Y. Yazdanpanah, J. Perelman, J. Alves, K. Mansinho, M.A. Dilorenzo, J.-E. Park, E. Losina, R.P. Walensky, F. Noubary, H. Barros, K.A. Freedberg, A.D. Paltiel, S. Boyer, L. March, C. Kouanfack, G. Laborde-Balen, P. Marino, A. Aghokeng, E. Mpoudi-Ngole, S. Koulla-Shiro, E. Delaporte, M.P. Carrieri, B. Spire, C. Laurent, J.-P. Moatti, Stratall ANRS 12110/ESTHER Study Group, G. Zeng, F. Lu, K. Khoshnood, Z. Wu, F. Escaleira, R. Birger, T. Hallett, B. Grenfell, S. Hodder, A. Sinha, M. Remme, A. Vassall, B. Lutz, C. Watts, F. Visnegarwala, A. Nalli, R. Babu, S. Satish, L. Pradeep, G. Alexander, P. Revill, M. Sculpher, S. Walker, C.S. Chasela, D. Kayira, M.C. Hosseinipour, C. Merry, M. Barry, C.K. King, D.J. Jamieson, D.M. Gibb, C. van der Horst, M. Ryan, R.P. Walensky, P.E. Sax, Y.M. Nakamura, M.C. Weinstein, P.P. Pei, K.A. Freedberg, A.D. Paltiel, B.R. Schackman, D. Johnson, X. Cheng, S. Sulzbach, E. Hasselberg, J. Chavez, G. Nidhi, V. Ranebennur, D.S.S. Gaikwad, A. Bhende, K. Maggard, S. Hatwiinda, W. Phiri, J. Morse, E. Turnbull, S. Topp, S. Roberts, G. Samungole, N. Kapata, C. Chileshe, J. Harris, S. Reid, G. Henostroza, N.D. Labhardt, M. Sello, M. Mohlaba, O. Keiser, K. Pfeiffer, M. Egger, J. Ehmer, G. Wandeler, F.J.B. Scheibe, L. Muhamadi, P. Waiswa, O. Mueller, H.W.F. Neuhann, A. Edmonds, D. Thompson, V. Okitolonda, L. Feinstein, B. Kawende, F. Behets, PTME Team, N. Shafique, J.H. van Dijk, W.J. Moss, P..... Track E Implementation Science, Health Systems and Economics. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2012. PMID:
Chamie G, Kwarisiima D, Clark TD, Kabami J, Jain V, Geng E, Petersen ML, Thirumurthy H, Kamya MR, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Leveraging rapid community-based HIV testing campaigns for non-communicable diseases in rural Uganda. Volume 7 of Issue 8. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22916256
Young S, Murray K, Mwesigwa J, Natureeba P, Osterbauer B, Achan J, Arinaitwe E, Clark T, Ades V, Plenty A, Charlebois E, Ruel T, Kamya M, Havlir D, Cohan D. Maternal nutritional status predicts adverse birth outcomes among HIV-infected rural Ugandan women receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. PloS one 2012. PMID: 22879899
Tsai AC, Karasic DH, Hammer GP, Charlebois ED, Ragland K, Moss AR, Sorensen JL, Dilley JW, Bangsberg DR. Directly observed antidepressant medication treatment and HIV outcomes among homeless and marginally housed HIV-positive adults: a randomized controlled trial. American journal of public health 2012. PMID: 22720766
Barnabas Kahiira Natamba, Marion Robine, Flavia Luwedde, Julia Mwesigwa, Paul Natureeba, Beth Osterbauer, Veronica Ades, Tamara Clark, Edwin Charlebois, Albert Plenty, Diane Havlir, Deborah Cohan, Jane Achan, Sera Young. Breastfeeding practices and beliefs among HIV+ pregnant and lactating women on antiretroviral therapy in rural Uganda indicate obstacles to following national guidelines. The FASEB Journal 2012. PMID:
Ruel TD, Boivin MJ, Boal HE, Bangirana P, Charlebois E, Havlir DV, Rosenthal PJ, Dorsey G, Achan J, Akello C, Kamya MR, Wong JK. Neurocognitive and motor deficits in HIV-infected Ugandan children with high CD4 cell counts. Volume 54 of Issue 7. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2012. PMID: 22308272
Luetkemeyer AF, Charlebois ED, Hare CB, Black D, Smith A, Havlir DV, Peters MG. Resistance patterns and response to entecavir intensification among HIV-HBV-coinfected adults with persistent HBV viremia. Volume 58 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 22005002
Nanteza MW, Mayanja-Kizza H, Charlebois E, Srikantiah P, Lin R, Mupere E, Mugyenyi P, Boom WH, Mugerwa RD, Havlir DV, Whalen CC. A randomized trial of punctuated antiretroviral therapy in Ugandan HIV-seropositive adults with pulmonary tuberculosis and CD4? T-cell counts of = 350 cells/µL. The Journal of infectious diseases 2011. PMID: 21849285
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Ruel TD, Zanoni BC, Ssewanyana I, Cao H, Havlir DV, Kamya M, Achan J, Charlebois ED, Feeney ME. Sex differences in HIV RNA level and CD4 cell percentage during childhood. Volume 53 of Issue 6. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2011. PMID: 21840929
Morin SF, Kelly JA, Charlebois ED, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Cleary PD. Responding to the National HIV/AIDS Strategy-setting the research agenda. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 21606844
Charlebois ED, Das M, Porco TC, Havlir DV. The effect of expanded antiretroviral treatment strategies on the HIV epidemic among men who have sex with men in San Francisco. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2011. PMID: 21460322
Lancioni CL, Mahan CS, Johnson DF, Walusimbi M, Chervenak KA, Nalukwago S, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Mayanja-Kizza H, Whalen CC, Boom WH. Effects of antiretroviral therapy on immune function of HIV-infected adults with pulmonary tuberculosis and CD4+ >350 cells/mm3. The Journal of infectious diseases 2011. PMID: 21402550
Carrico AW, Riley ED, Johnson MO, Charlebois ED, Neilands TB, Remien RH, Lightfoot MA, Steward WT, Weinhardt LS, Kelly JA, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Morin SF, Chesney MA. Psychiatric risk factors for HIV disease progression: the role of inconsistent patterns of antiretroviral therapy utilization. Volume 56 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 21116186
Ruel TD, Kamya MR, Li P, Pasutti W, Charlebois ED, Liegler T, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir DV, Wong JK, Achan J. Early virologic failure and the development of antiretroviral drug resistance mutations in HIV-infected Ugandan children. Volume 56 of Issue 1. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2011. PMID: 21099693
Charlebois ED, Ruel TD, Gasasira AF, Achan J, Kateera F, Akello C, Cao H, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Ssewanyana I, Kamya MR, Havlir DV. Short-term risk of HIV disease progression and death in Ugandan children not eligible for antiretroviral therapy. Volume 55 of Issue 3. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2010. PMID: 20592617
Chamie G, Luetkemeyer A, Walusimbi-Nanteza M, Okwera A, Whalen CC, Mugerwa RD, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Significant variation in presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis across a high resolution of CD4 strata. Volume 14 of Issue 10. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2010. PMID: 20843421
Charlebois ED, Havlir DV. "A bird in the hand...": a commentary on the test and treat approach for HIV. Archives of internal medicine 2010. PMID: 20696961
Chamie G, Charlebois ED, Srikantiah P, Walusimbi-Nanteza M, Mugerwa RD, Mayanja H, Okwera A, Whalen CC, Havlir DV. Mycobacterium tuberculosis microbiologic and clinical treatment outcomes in a randomized trial of immediate versus CD4(+)-initiated antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected adults with a high CD4(+) cell count. Volume 51 of Issue 3. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2010. PMID: 20569064
Bebell LM, Pilcher CD, Dorsey G, Havlir D, Kamya MR, Busch MP, Dunn Williams J, Nugent CT, Bentsen C, Rosenthal PJ, Charlebois ED. Acute HIV-1 infection is highly prevalent in Ugandan adults with suspected malaria. Volume 24 of Issue 12. AIDS (London, England) 2010. PMID: 20543656
Gasasira AF, Kamya MR, Ochong EO, Vora N, Achan J, Charlebois E, Ruel T, Kateera F, Meya DN, Havlir D, Rosenthal PJ, Dorsey G. Effect of trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole on the risk of malaria in HIV-infected Ugandan children living in an area of widespread antifolate resistance. Volume 9. Malaria journal 2010. PMID: 20573194
Boivin MJ, Ruel TD, Boal HE, Bangirana P, Cao H, Eller LA, Charlebois E, Havlir DV, Kamya MR, Achan J, Akello C, Wong JK. HIV-subtype A is associated with poorer neuropsychological performance compared with subtype D in antiretroviral therapy-naive Ugandan children. AIDS (London, England) 2010. PMID: 20425886
Chamie G, Luetkemeyer A, Charlebois E, Havlir DV. Tuberculosis as part of the natural history of HIV infection in developing countries. Volume 50 Suppl 3. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2010. PMID: 20397955
Mahan CS, Walusimbi M, Johnson DF, Lancioni C, Charlebois E, Baseke J, Chervenak KA, Mugerwa RD, Havlir DV, Mayanja-Kizza H, Whalen CC, Boom WH. Tuberculosis treatment in HIV infected Ugandans with CD4 counts>350 cells/mm reduces immune activation with no effect on HIV load or CD4 count. PloS one 2010. PMID: 20179751
German P, Parikh S, Lawrence J, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Charlebois E, Hanpithakpong W, Lindegardh N, Aweeka FT. Lopinavir/ritonavir affects pharmacokinetic exposure of artemether/lumefantrine in HIV-uninfected healthy volunteers. Volume 51 of Issue 4. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2009. PMID: 19506482
Cohan D, Gomez E, Greenberg M, Washington S, Charlebois ED. Patient perspectives with abbreviated versus standard pre-test HIV counseling in the prenatal setting: a randomized-controlled, non-inferiority trial. PloS one 2009. PMID: 19367335
Ruel T, Ssewanyana I, Achan J, Gasasira A, Kamya MR, Kekitiinwa A, Wong JK, Cao H, Havlir D, Charlebois ED. Dynamics of T cell activation accompanying CD4 recovery in antiretroviral treated HIV-infected Ugandan children. Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.) 2009. PMID: 19303366
Davis JL, Huang L, Kovacs JA, Masur H, Murray P, Havlir DV, Worodria WO, Charlebois ED, Srikantiah P, Cattamanchi A, Huber C, Shea YR, Chow Y, Fischer SH. Polymerase chain reaction of secA1 on sputum or oral wash samples for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Volume 48 of Issue 6. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2009. PMID: 19207077
Ssewanyana I, Baker CA, Ruel T, Bousheri S, Kamya M, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Cao H. The Distribution and Immune Profile of T Cell Subsets in HIV-Infected Children from Uganda. Volume 25 of Issue 1. AIDS research and human retroviruses 2009. PMID: 19182922
Morin SF, Shade SB, Steward WT, Carrico AW, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Kelly JA, Charlebois ED, Johnson MO, Chesney MA. A behavioral intervention reduces HIV transmission risk by promoting sustained serosorting practices among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. Volume 49 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008. PMID: 18989221
Khumalo-Sakutukwa G, Morin SF, Fritz K, Charlebois ED, van Rooyen H, Chingono A, Modiba P, Mrumbi K, Visrutaratna S, Singh B, Sweat M, Celentano DD, Coates TJ. Project Accept (HPTN 043): a community-based intervention to reduce HIV incidence in populations at risk for HIV in sub-Saharan Africa and Thailand. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008. PMID: 18931624
Srikantiah P, Wong JK, Liegler T, Walusimbi M, Mayanja-Kizza H, Kayanja HK, Mugerwa RD, Charlebois ED, Boom WH, Whalen CC, Havlir DV. Unexpected low-level viremia among HIV-infected Ugandan adults with untreated active tuberculosis. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008. PMID: 19011423
Ruel TD, Achan J, Gasasira AF, Charlebois ED, Mehbratu T, Rosenthal PJ, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Kekitiinwa A, Wong J, Havlir DV. HIV RNA suppression among HIV-infected Ugandan children with measles. Volume 48 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2008. PMID: 18520684
Steward WT, Charlebois ED, Johnson MO, Remien RH, Goldstein RB, Wong FL, Morin SF. Receipt of prevention services among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. American journal of public health 2008. PMID: 18445790
Gasasira AF, Kamya MR, Achan J, Mebrahtu T, Kalyango JN, Ruel T, Charlebois E, Staedke SG, Kekitiinwa A, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Dorsey G. High risk of neutropenia in HIV-infected children following treatment with artesunate plus amodiaquine for uncomplicated malaria in Uganda. Volume 46 of Issue 7. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2008. PMID: 18444813
Johnson MO, Charlebois E, Morin SF, Remien RH, Chesney MA. Effects of a behavioral intervention on antiretroviral medication adherence among people living with HIV: the healthy living project randomized controlled study. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2007. PMID: 18193499
Bebell LM, Gasasira A, Kiggundu M, Dokomajilar C, Kamya MR, Charlebois ED, Havlir D, Rosenthal PJ, Dorsey G. HIV-1 infection in patients referred for malaria blood smears at government health clinics in Uganda. Volume 46 of Issue 5. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2007. PMID: 18043317
Ssewanyana I, Elrefaei M, Dorsey G, Ruel T, Jones NG, Gasasira A, Kamya M, Nakiwala J, Achan J, Charlebois E, Havlir D, Cao H. Profile of T cell immune responses in HIV-infected children from Uganda. Volume 196 of Issue 11. The Journal of infectious diseases 2007. PMID: 18008251
Carrico AW, Johnson MO, Moskowitz JT, Neilands TB, Morin SF, Charlebois ED, Steward WT, Remien RH, Wong FL, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Lightfoot MA, Chesney MA. Affect regulation, stimulant use, and viral load among HIV-positive persons on anti-retroviral therapy. Volume 69 of Issue 8. Psychosomatic medicine 2007. PMID: 17942835
Kamya MR, Gasasira AF, Achan J, Mebrahtu T, Ruel T, Kekitiinwa A, Charlebois ED, Rosenthal PJ, Havlir D, Dorsey G. Effects of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and insecticide-treated bednets on malaria among HIV-infected Ugandan children. Volume 21 of Issue 15. AIDS (London, England) 2007. PMID: 17885296
Srikantiah P, Walusimbi MN, Kayanja HK, Mayanja-Kizza H, Mugerwa RD, Lin R, Charlebois ED, Boom WH, Whalen CC, Havlir DV. Early virological response of zidovudine/lamivudine/abacavir for patients co-infected with HIV and tuberculosis in Uganda. AIDS (London, England) 2007. PMID: 17721107
Klitzman R, Exner T, Correale J, Kirshenbaum SB, Remien R, Ehrhardt AA, Lightfoot M, Catz SL, Weinhardt LS, Johnson MO, Morin SF, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Kelly JA, Charlebois E. It's not just what you say: relationships of HIV dislosure and risk reduction among MSM in the post-HAART era. AIDS care 2007. PMID: 17573594
Carrico AW, Johnson MO, Morin SF, Remien RH, Charlebois ED, Steward WT, Chesney MA. Correlates of suicidal ideation among HIV-positive persons. AIDS (London, England) 2007. PMID: 17502730
German P, Greenhouse B, Coates C, Dorsey G, Rosenthal PJ, Charlebois E, Lindegardh N, Havlir D, Aweeka FT. Hepatotoxicity due to a drug interaction between amodiaquine plus artesunate and efavirenz. Volume 44 of Issue 6. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2007. PMID: 17304470
Srikantiah P, Lin R, Walusimbi M, Okwera A, Luzze H, Whalen CC, Boom WH, Havlir DV, Charlebois ED. Elevated HIV seroprevalence and risk behavior among Ugandan TB suspects: implications for HIV testing and prevention. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2007. PMID: 17263287
Luetkemeyer AF, Charlebois ED, Flores LL, Bangsberg DR, Deeks SG, Martin JN, Havlir DV. Comparison of an interferon-gamma release assay with tuberculin skin testing in HIV-infected individuals. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 2007. PMID: 17218620
Paydar KZ, Hansen SL, Charlebois ED, Harris HW, Young DM. Inappropriate antibiotic use in soft tissue infections. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 2006. PMID: 16983028
Gasasira AF, Dorsey G, Kamya MR, Havlir D, Kiggundu M, Rosenthal PJ, Charlebois ED. False-positive results of enzyme immunoassays for human immunodeficiency virus in patients with uncomplicated malaria. Volume 44 of Issue 8. Journal of clinical microbiology 2006. PMID: 16891532
Johnson JL, Hadad DJ, Boom WH, Daley CL, Peloquin CA, Eisenach KD, Jankus DD, Debanne SM, Charlebois ED, Maciel E, Palaci M, Dietze R. Early and extended early bactericidal activity of levofloxacin, gatifloxacin and moxifloxacin in pulmonary tuberculosis. The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2006. PMID: 16776446
Swaminathan S, Luetkemeyer A, Srikantiah P, Lin R, Charlebois E, Havlir DV. Antiretroviral therapy and TB. Tropical doctor 2006. PMID: 16611437
Johnson MO, Chesney MA, Goldstein RB, Remien RH, Catz S, Gore-Felton C, Charlebois E, Morin SF. Positive provider interactions, adherence self-efficacy, and adherence to antiretroviral medications among HIV-infected adults: A mediation model. AIDS patient care and STDs 2006. PMID: 16623624
Morin SF, Khumalo-Sakutukwa G, Charlebois ED, Routh J, Fritz K, Lane T, Vaki T, Fiamma A, Coates TJ. Removing barriers to knowing HIV status: same-day mobile HIV testing in Zimbabwe. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2006. PMID: 16394855
Koester KA, Maiorana A, Vernon K, Charlebois E, Gaffney S, Lane T, Morin SF. HIV surveillance in theory and practice: assessing the acceptability of California's non-name HIV surveillance regulations. Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2005. PMID: 16256243
Morin SF, Steward WT, Charlebois ED, Remien RH, Pinkerton SD, Johnson MO, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Lightfoot M, Goldstein RB, Kittel L, Samimy-Muzaffar F, Weinhardt L, Kelly JA, Chesney MA. Predicting HIV transmission risk among HIV-infected men who have sex with men: findings from the healthy living project. Volume 40 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2005. PMID: 16186742
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Pan ES, Diep BA, Charlebois ED, Auerswald C, Carleton HA, Sensabaugh GF, Perdreau-Remington F. Population dynamics of nasal strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus--and their relation to community-associated disease activity. Volume 192 of Issue 5. The Journal of infectious diseases 2005. PMID: 16088830
Charlebois ED, Maiorana A, McLaughlin M, Koester K, Gaffney S, Rutherford GW, Morin SF. Potential deterrent effect of name-based HIV infection surveillance. Volume 39 of Issue 2. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2005. PMID: 15905740
Frazee BW, Lynn J, Charlebois ED, Lambert L, Lowery D, Perdreau-Remington F. High prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in emergency department skin and soft tissue infections. Annals of emergency medicine 2005. PMID: 15726056
Johnson MO, Charlebois E, Morin SF, Catz SL, Goldstein RB, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Mickalian JD, Kittel L, Samimy-Muzaffar F, Lightfoot MA, Gore-Felton C, Chesney A. Perceived adverse effects of antiretroviral therapy. Volume 29 of Issue 2. Journal of pain and symptom management 2005. PMID: 15793937
Hahn JA, Bangsberg DR, McFarland W, Charlebois ED, Clark RA, Moss AR. HIV seroconversion among the homeless and marginally housed in San Francisco: a ten-year study. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004. PMID: 15577419
Srikantiah P, Charlebois E, Havlir DV. Rapid increase in tuberculosis incidence soon after infection with HIV--a new twist in the twin epidemics. The Journal of infectious diseases 2004. PMID: 15609222
Winston LG, Charlebois ED, Pang S, Bangsberg DR, Perdreau-Remington F, Chambers HF. Impact of a formulary switch from ticarcillin-clavulanate to piperacillin-tazobactam on colonization with vancomycin-resistant enterococci. American journal of infection control 2004. PMID: 15573053
Carleton HA, Diep BA, Charlebois ED, Sensabaugh GF, Perdreau-Remington F. Community-adapted methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): population dynamics of an expanding community reservoir of MRSA. Volume 190 of Issue 10. The Journal of infectious diseases 2004. PMID: 15499526
Myers JJ, Steward WT, Charlebois E, Koester KA, Maiorana A, Morin SF. Written clinic procedures enhance delivery of HIV "prevention with positives" counseling in primary health care settings. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004. PMID: 15385905
Moss AR, Hahn JA, Perry S, Charlebois ED, Guzman D, Clark RA, Bangsberg DR. Adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy in the homeless population in San Francisco: a prospective study. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2004. PMID: 15486844
Young DM, Harris HW, Charlebois ED, Chambers H, Campbell A, Perdreau-Remington F, Lee C, Mankani M, Mackersie R, Schecter WP. An epidemic of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus soft tissue infections among medically underserved patients. Archives of surgery (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) 2004. PMID: 15381611
Oyugi JH, Byakika-Tusiime J, Charlebois ED, Kityo C, Mugerwa R, Mugyenyi P, Bangsberg DR. Multiple validated measures of adherence indicate high levels of adherence to generic HIV antiretroviral therapy in a resource-limited setting. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2004. PMID: 15247564
Holodniy M, Charlebois ED, Bangsberg DR, Zolopa AR, Schulte M, Moss AR. Prevalence of antiretroviral drug resistance in the HIV-1-infected urban indigent population in San Francisco: a representative study. International journal of STD & AIDS 2004. PMID: 15307966
Robertson MJ, Clark RA, Charlebois ED, Tulsky J, Long HL, Bangsberg DR, Moss AR. HIV seroprevalence among homeless and marginally housed adults in San Francisco. American journal of public health 2004. PMID: 15226145
Bangsberg DR, Porco TC, Kagay C, Charlebois ED, Deeks SG, Guzman D, Clark R, Moss A. Modeling the HIV protease inhibitor adherence-resistance curve by use of empirically derived estimates. The Journal of infectious diseases 2004. PMID: 15195256
Kagay CR, Porco TC, Liechty CA, Charlebois E, Clark R, Guzman D, Moss AR, Bangsberg DR. Modeling the impact of modified directly observed antiretroviral therapy on HIV suppression and resistance, disease progression, and death. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2004. PMID: 15156432
Charlebois ED, Perdreau-Remington F, Kreiswirth B, Bangsberg DR, Ciccarone D, Diep BA, Ng VL, Chansky K, Edlin BR, Edlin B, Chambers HF. Origins of community strains of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Volume 39 of Issue 1. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2004. PMID: 15206052
Hall CS, Charlebois ED, Hahn JA, Moss AR, Bangsberg DR. Hepatitis C virus infection in San Francisco's HIV-infected urban poor. Journal of general internal medicine 2004. PMID: 15061745
Giordano TP, Guzman D, Clark R, Charlebois ED, Bangsberg DR. Measuring adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a diverse population using a visual analogue scale. HIV clinical trials 2004. PMID: 15116282
Liechty CA, Alexander CS, Harrigan PR, Guzman JD, Charlebois ED, Moss AR, Bangsberg DR. Are untimed antiretroviral drug levels useful predictors of adherence behavior? AIDS (London, England) 2004. PMID: 15090840
Porco TC, Martin JN, Page-Shafer KA, Cheng A, Charlebois E, Grant RM, Osmond DH. Decline in HIV infectivity following the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy. AIDS (London, England) 2004. PMID: 15090833
Johnson MO, Catz SL, Remien RH, Rotheram-Borus MJ, Morin SF, Charlebois E, Gore-Felton C, Goldsten RB, Wolfe H, Lightfoot M, Chesney MA. Theory-guided, empirically supported avenues for intervention on HIV medication nonadherence: findings from the Healthy Living Project. Volume 17 of Issue 12. AIDS patient care and STDs 2003. PMID: 14746658
Pan ES, Diep BA, Carleton HA, Charlebois ED, Sensabaugh GF, Haller BL, Perdreau-Remington F. Increasing prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infection in California jails. Volume 37 of Issue 10. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2003. PMID: 14583874
Bangsberg DR, Charlebois ED, Grant RM, Holodniy M, Deeks SG, Perry S, Conroy KN, Clark R, Guzman D, Zolopa A, Moss A. High levels of adherence do not prevent accumulation of HIV drug resistance mutations. AIDS (London, England) 2003. PMID: 12960825
Winston LG, Bangsberg DR, Chambers HF, Felt SC, Rosen JI, Charlebois ED, Wong M, Steele L, Gerberding JL, Perdreau-Remington F. Epidemiology of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium under a selective isolation policy at an urban county hospital. American journal of infection control 2002. PMID: 12410216
Charlebois ED, Bangsberg DR, Moss NJ, Moore MR, Moss AR, Chambers HF, Perdreau-Remington F. Population-based community prevalence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in the urban poor of San Francisco. Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2002. PMID: 11797167
Staedke SG, Kamya MR, Dorsey G, Gasasira A, Ndeezi G, Charlebois ED, Rosenthal PJ. Amodiaquine, sulfadoxine/pyrimethamine, and combination therapy for treatment of uncomplicated falciparum malaria in Kampala, Uganda: a randomised trial. Lancet (London, England) 2001. PMID: 11502317
Bangsberg DR, Perry S, Charlebois ED, Clark RA, Roberston M, Zolopa AR, Moss A. Non-adherence to highly active antiretroviral therapy predicts progression to AIDS. AIDS (London, England) 2001. PMID: 11416722
Bangsberg DR, Hecht FM, Clague H, Charlebois ED, Ciccarone D, Chesney M, Moss A. Provider assessment of adherence to HIV antiretroviral therapy. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes (1999) 2001. PMID: 11391162
David R. Bangsberg, Frederick M. Hecht, Heather Clague, Edwin D. Charlebois, Dan Ciccarone, Margaret Chesney, Andrew Moss. Provider Assessment of Adherence to HIV Antiretroviral Therapy. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2001. PMID:
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Elbeik T, Charlebois E, Nassos P, Kahn J, Hecht FM, Yajko D, Ng V, Hadley K. Quantitative and cost comparison of ultrasensitive human immunodeficiency virus type 1 RNA viral load assays: Bayer bDNA quantiplex versions 3.0 and 2.0 and Roche PCR Amplicor monitor version 1.5. Journal of clinical microbiology 2000. PMID: 10699005
Morin SF, Charlebois ED. Expanding access to early HIV care: new challenges for federal health policy. AIDS & public policy journal 2000. PMID: 11519368
Kohl S, Charlebois ED, Sigouroudinia M, Goldbeck C, Hartog K, Sekulovich RE, Langenberg AG, Burke RL. Limited antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity antibody response induced by a herpes simplex virus type 2 subunit vaccine. The Journal of infectious diseases 2000. PMID: 10608784
Grant RW, Charlebois ED, Wachter RM. Risk factors for early hospital readmission in patients with AIDS and pneumonia. Journal of general internal medicine 1999. PMID: 10491241
Slome LR, Mitchell TF, Charlebois E, Benevedes JM, Abrams DI. Physician-assisted suicide and patients with human immunodeficiency virus disease. The New England journal of medicine 1997. PMID: 9010149
Stansell JD, Osmond DH, Charlebois E, LaVange L, Wallace JM, Alexander BV, Glassroth J, Kvale PA, Rosen MJ, Reichman LB, Turner JR, Hopewell PC. Predictors of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia in HIV-infected persons. Pulmonary Complications of HIV Infection Study Group. American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 1997. PMID: 9001290
Osmond DH, Charlebois E, Moss AR. Bias in observational studies of treatment. Annals of internal medicine 1996. PMID: 8967684
Kohl S, Sigaroudinia M, Charlebois ED, Jacobson MA. Interleukin-12 administered in vivo decreases human NK cell cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity to human immunodeficiency virus-infected cells. The Journal of infectious diseases 1996. PMID: 8896517
Brosgart CL, Mitchell T, Charlebois E, Coleman R, Mehalko S, Young J, Abrams DI. Off-label drug use in human immunodeficiency virus disease. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association 1996. PMID: 8624761
Wachter RM, Luce JM, Safrin S, Berrios DC, Charlebois E, Scitovsky AA. Cost and outcome of intensive care for patients with AIDS, Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and severe respiratory failure. JAMA 1995. PMID: 7807663
Northfelt DW, Charlebois ED, Mirda MI, Child C, Kaplan LD, Abrams DI. Continuous low-dose interferon-alpha therapy for HIV-related immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes and human retrovirology : official publication of the International Retrovirology Association 1995. PMID: 8548345
Veugelers PJ, Page KA, Tindall B, Schechter MT, Moss AR, Winkelstein WW, Cooper DA, Craib KJ, Charlebois E, Coutinho RA. Determinants of HIV disease progression among homosexual men registered in the Tricontinental Seroconverter Study. American journal of epidemiology 1994. PMID: 7942776
Jenkins M, Landers D, Williams-Herman D, Wara D, Viscarello RR, Hammill HA, Kline MW, Shearer WT, Charlebois ED, Kohl S. Association between anti-human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity antibody titers at birth and vertical transmission of HIV-1. The Journal of infectious diseases 1994. PMID: 8035015
Osmond D, Charlebois E, Lang W, Shiboski S, Moss A. Changes in AIDS survival time in two San Francisco cohorts of homosexual men, 1983 to 1993. JAMA 1994. PMID: 7908703
Stanley HD, Charlebois E, Harb G, Jacobson MA. Central venous catheter infections in AIDS patients receiving treatment for cytomegalovirus disease. Journal of acquired immune deficiency syndromes 1994. PMID: 8106966
Busch MP, Valinsky JE, Paglieroni T, Prince HE, Crutcher GJ, Gjerset GF, Operskalski EA, Charlebois E, Bianco C, Holland PV. Screening of blood donors for idiopathic CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia. Transfusion 1994. PMID: 7908469
Sanchez-Pescador L, Pereira L, Charlebois ED, Kohl S. Antibodies to epitopes of herpes simplex virus type 1 glycoprotein B (gB) in human sera: analysis of functional gB epitopes defined by inhibition of murine monoclonal antibodies. The Journal of infectious diseases 1993. PMID: 7690824
Veugelers PJ, Schechter MT, Tindall B, Moss AR, Page KA, Craib KJ, Cooper DA, Coutinho RA, Charlebois E, Winkelstein W. Differences in time from HIV seroconversion to CD4+ lymphocyte end-points and AIDS in cohorts of homosexual men. AIDS (London, England) 1993. PMID: 7903540
Jacobson MA, Yajko D, Northfelt D, Charlebois E, Gary D, Brosgart C, Sanders CA, Hadley WK. Randomized, placebo-controlled trial of rifampin, ethambutol, and ciprofloxacin for AIDS patients with disseminated Mycobacterium avium complex infection. The Journal of infectious diseases 1993. PMID: 8515098
Sheppard H, Winkelstein W, Lang W, Charlebois E. CD4+ T-lymphocytopenia without HIV infection. The New England journal of medicine 1993. PMID: 8099196
Osmond DH, Charlebois E, Sheppard HW, Page K, Winkelstein W, Moss AR, Reingold A. Comparison of risk factors for hepatitis C and hepatitis B virus infection in homosexual men. The Journal of infectious diseases 1993. PMID: 8418184