
Measuring Coalition Functioning: Refining Constructs Through Factor Analysis

Internal and external coalition functioning is an important predictor of coalition success that has been linked to perceived coalition effectiveness, coalition goal achievement, coalition ability to support evidence-based programs, and coalition sustainability. Understanding which aspects of coalition functioning best predict coalition success requires the development of valid measures of empirically unique coalition functioning constructs.

Spring 2011 [E-Newsletter]

In This Issue: California budget cuts Seroadaptation Kenya, China

Testing & link to care

Despite major progress against HIV, 21% of HIV+ people in the US are unaware that they are positive and an estimated 33% of those who know they are HIV+ are not engaged in care and treatment for their infection.Another 38% of newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals test so late that they receive an AIDS diagnosis at the same time as, or within one year of, learning they are positive. There were an estimated 56,300 new HIV infections per year between 1996 and 2006.

Testing & link to care

Can HIV testing plus linking HIV+ people to care and treatment reduce HIV transmission? Why is this an important question? Despite major progress against HIV, 21% of HIV+ people in the US are unaware that they are positive1 and an estimated 33% of those who know they are HIV+ are not engaged in care and treatment for their infection.2 Another 38% of newly diagnosed HIV+ individuals test so late that they receive an AIDS diagnosis at the same time as,

Hepatitis C

Can hepatitis C (HCV) transmission be prevented? Prepared by Alice Asher RN, MS, CNS and Kimberly Page PhD MPH Fact Sheet: 46 September 2010

Establecimientos de salud

¿Cómo puede integrarse la prevención del VIH en los establecimientos de atención de salud? ¿Por qué es importante la prevención de la infección por el VIH en los establecimientos de atención de salud? La prevención de la infección por el VIH es una parte importante de la atención de la salud de todas las personas.

Health care settings

How can HIV prevention be integrated into health care settings? Why is HIV prevention important in health care settings? HIV prevention is an important part of health care for all individuals. It is particularly key for those at risk of becoming infected, as well as for those who are already infected, who can then avoid transmitting HIV to others and stay healthy themselves.

Prevention in health care settings

How can HIV prevention be integrated into health care settings? Prepared by Carol Dawson-Rose RN PhD, Janet Myers PhD MPH, and Karen McCready MA; CAPS Fact Sheet 68, July 2010 Why is HIV prevention important in health care settings? HIV prevention is an important part of health care for all individuals.

Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch Program Evaluation Toolkit

This toolkit is a “how to” guide for planning and implementing evaluation activities in cancer prevention and control programs. The Comprehensive Cancer Control Branch (CCCB) is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) Division of Cancer Prevention and Control (DCPC). CCCB developed this toolkit to help funded programs meet the evaluation requirements established for their cooperative agreements.

Cocaína crack

Fall 2010

Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) Newsletter - Fall 2010 In This Issue Alameda County Research

Hepatitis C (VHC)

¿Se puede prevenir la transmisión del hepatitis C (VHC)? ¿qué es la hepatitis “C” (VHC)? En los EEUU, la hepatitis “C” es la enfermedad viral crónica sanguínea mas común y la mayor causante de las enfermedades hepáticas. Se transmite principalmente por contacto sanguíneo. La transmisión sexual del VHC es poco común. Se estima que cerca de 4 millones de personas en los EEUU están infectadas con VHC.

Hombres transgénero

¿Quienes son los hombres trans? Transgenero (‘trans’) es un término sombrilla para aquellas personas las cuales la identidad de género y expresión no conforman las normas y expectaciones tradicionales asociadas al género asignado al nacer. Hombres transgenero, también conocidos como hombres trans, son personas a las que se les asigno ‘femenino’ a la hora de nacer y tienen una identidad de género y/o una expresión de genero masculina.

Crack cocaine

What are the HIV prevention needs of crack cocaine users? Prepared by Margaret R. Weeks PhD, Institute for Community Research and Pamela DeCarlo, CAPS Fact Sheet 66, December 2009