
Inmigrantes mexicano/as

¿Cuáles son las necesidades de prevención de inmigrantes mexicanos/as en EE.UU.? ¿por qué emigran? Entre la gente en México, el motivo principal para emigrar a Estados Unidos es la necesidad económica, seguido por el deseo (especialmente por parte de mujeres y niños) de reunirse con su pareja, sus padres u otros familiares cercanos.

Mexican immigrants

What are the HIV prevention needs of Mexican immigrants in the US? Why do Mexicans migrate? The most common motivation for Mexicans to move to the US is economic, followed by a desire to reunite with spouses, parents or other immediate family, particularly among women and children.

Action Point

Action Point Center is a storefront medication adherence program for homeless people with HIV. Most clients also suffer from mental illness and/or substance use. Program components include: medication storage/dispensing, pharmacist consultation, acupuncture, adherence devices, monetary incentives, case management, and nursing services. Action Point is independent of any health care facility.


What is the role of adherence in HIV treatment? Why is adherence important? The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has extended and improved the quality of life for people living with HIV by reducing viral load, often to undetectable levels. However, the initial enthusiasm for these drugs has been dampened somewhat by the discovery that they require near perfect adherence to prevent virus replication and mutation.

Efecto del tratamiento en la prevención

¿Qué efecto tiene el tratamiento en la prevención del VIH? ¿porqué tratamiento con prevención? Tradicionalmente, los programas de prevención del VIH se han centrado en las personas no infectadas que corren riesgo de contraer el VIH, motivándolas a adoptar y mantener prácticas más seguras en las relaciones sexuales y en el consumo de drogas para que continúen sin infectarse.

Intervenciones estructurales

¿Qué papel juegan las intervenciones estructurales en la prevención del VIH? ¿qué son las intervenciones estructurales? La mayoría de las intervenciones de prevención del VIH tratan con los individuos de a uno por uno. Aún cuando muchas obtienen excelentes resultados, requieren mucho tiempo del personal y benefician a un número limitado de personas.

Structural interventions

What is the role of structural interventions in HIV prevention? What are structural interventions? Most HIV prevention interventions deal with individuals, one by one. Many of these interventions have been very successful. However, they often require a lot of staff time and reach a limited number of persons. Furthermore, those who do receive interventions may face pressures to continue high-risk behaviors from their peers who do not receive the intervention.

What Providers Think about HIV Prevention: The Implicit Theory Project

The Implicit Theory project was designed to capture how HIV prevention providers delivering services think behavior change in their clients happens, what we refer to as providers’ implicit theories. This is important for many reasons. To begin with, the providers work directly with clients and were often peers of these clients. They are directly interacting with their clients and may be able to even witness when change has occurred.

Mujeres jóvenes

¿Qué necesitan las mujeres jóvenes para la prevención del VIH? ¿corren riesgo las mujeres jóvenes? Sí. Una de cada cinco personas con VIH en EE.UU. es menor de 25 años. El 40% de estos jóvenes son mujeres con un total de 10,111 jovencitas en EE.UU. viviendo con VIH.1 Los patrones de infección entre las jóvenes son muy diferentes a los de los jóvenes.

Young women

What are young women’s HIV prevention needs? Are young women at risk for HIV? Yes. One in five people living with HIV in the US is under the age of 25. Forty percent of these young people are female, with a total of 10,111 young women in the US living with HIV.1 Patterns of HIV infection among young women and men differ considerably.


What Are U.S. Latinos’ HIV Prevention Needs? revised 4/02 Are Latinos at risk for HIV? HIV continues to be a major health threat for Latinos in the US, many of whom are disadvantaged due to racism, economic disparities and language barriers.


El VIH sigue siendo una gran amenaza para la salud de los latinoamericanos en EEUU. Muchos de ellos se encuentran en desventaja debido al racismo, a las desigualdades económicas y a barreras lingüísticas. En EE.UU., los latinos (incluyendo los habitantes de Puerto Rico) se ven desproporcionadamente afectados por el VIH, ya que representan el 18% de todos los casos de SIDA aún cuando sólo son el 14% de la población. En el año 2001, la mayoría de los casos de SIDA entre latinos en EE.UU.

Smoking Cessation Interventions in San Francisco’s Queer Communities

Rates of smoking among lesbian, gay, and bisexual adolescents and adults appear to be higher than rates for the general population (Gruskin, et al., 2001; Ryan, et al., 2001; Stall, et al., 1999). Smoking is also likely problematic among transgender people, many of whom face poverty, homelessness, stressful living and work environments, and depression in their daily lives.

American Indian/ Alaskan Natives (AI/AN)

What are American Indian/ Alaskan Natives’ (AI/AN) HIV prevention needs? Are AI/AN at risk for HIV? Yes. American Indians and Alaskan Natives (AI/AN) represent a unique population within the US, not only because of their oppression suffered in the development of this country but also because of their ongoing struggle to gain recognition in the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Análisis de costo-efectividad

Puede el análisis de costo-efectividad ayudar en la prevención del VIH? ¿por qué invertir en la prevención? La prevención del VIH sigue siendo nuestra mejor esperanza en la lucha contra la epidemia del VIH/SIDA.

Community acceptance and implementation of HIV prevention interventions for injection drug users

Background: In 1997, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) reviewed evidence of the effectiveness of HIV prevention programs for injection drug users (IDUs) and recommended that three types of interventions be implemented to prevent transmission of HIV among IDUs: 1) community-based outreach, 2) expanded syringe access (including needle exchange programs [NEP] and pharmacy sales), and 3) drug treatment.

Cost effectiveness

Can cost-effectiveness analysis help in HIV prevention? Why invest in HIV prevention? HIV prevention is still our best hope for fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Drogas de club o discoteca

¿Cuál es el impacto de las drogas de club en la prevención del VIH? ¿cuáles son éstas drogas? Entre las llamadas drogas de club o fiesta se incluyen la MDMA (éxtasis), la metanfetamina (cristal, speed), el GHB (X líquido o ácido gammahidroxibutirato), la ketamina (K especial), y a veces también los nitratos de amilo (poppers) y la Viagra1.