As part of the Committee on Human Research (CHR) process improvement project analysis, we discovered that poorly-prepared submissions negatively impacted the review and approval times of well-prepared submissions by diverting significant time and resources to a small fraction of poorly prepared submissions. Consequently, the CHR office is implementing consistent minimum submission standards.
NIMH re-funds CAPS for another five years & CAPS 30th Anniversary!
Welcome to our 2nd quarterly e-newsletter! This issue highlights new research projects from CAPS VII,the CAPS 30th Anniversary Celebration, and NIMH re-funding for another 5 years.
CAPS/UCSF PRC leading PrEP research!
Welcome to our new quarterly e-newsletter! This issue focuses on PrEP or pre-exposure prophylaxis. Read about our work on PrEP uptake and implementation in Oakland, Sacramento, San Francisco, Texas, and internationally.
CAPS/PRC Technical Assistance
How can we assist your organization?
CAPS/PRC is funded to provide technical assistance (TA) to community based organizations and local and state health departments to assist in the access, use and implementation of HIV science to strengthen programmatic and research processes, develop stronger grant proposals and develop evidence based policies. Contact us now.
Is Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Preventable?
Prepared by Sarah A. Gutin, MPH*
*CAPS, Community Health Systems- School of Nursing, UCSF
Fact Sheet #34ER – September 2015
Special thanks to the following reviewers of this Fact Sheet: Yvette Cuca, Carol Dawson Rose, Shannon Weber
In 2012, there were 2.3 million new HIV infections globally1.
Is Mother-to-Child HIV Transmission Preventable?
Prepared by Sarah A. Gutin, MPH* *CAPS, Community Health Systems- School of Nursing, UCSF Fact Sheet #34ER – September 2015 Special thanks to the following reviewers of this Fact Sheet: Yvette Cuca, Carol Dawson Rose, Shannon Weber In 2012, there were 2.3 million new HIV infections globally [1].
In 2012, there were 2.3 million new HIV infections globally. A large proportion of people newly diagnosed with HIV worldwide are in their reproductive years and these men and women are likely to want children in the future. Addressing the sexual and reproductive health and rights of this population is critical to addressing the spread of HIV because HIV infection in childbearing women is the main cause of HIV infection in children.
What are transgender men’s HIV prevention needs?
Prepared by Jae Sevelius, CAPS; Ayden Scheim and Broden Giambrone, Gay/Bi/Queer Trans Men’s Working Group, Ontario Gay Men’s Sexual Health Alliance Fact Sheet 67 – Revised September 2015
CAPS and ETR Associates researchers developed a curriculum to assist sixth, seventh and eighth grade students in postponing sexual activity and using protection if they are sexually active. The curriculum has many characteristics that are shared by successful HIV prevention and sex education curricula.
Curricula available through ETR Associates for purchase
Molly Morgan Jones, a Research Leader in RAND Europe, discusses how antiretroviral (ARV)-based HIV prevention strategies need to be closely tailored to local contexts and cultures in order to make an impact on new HIV infections globally.
What is the role of the Black church for Black gay men and HIV prevention?
Why the Black church?
Many Black men in the US grow up in families that are significantly involved with the Black church. As a long-standing institution developed for and by Black people, the Black church provides religious education and spiritual formation, and buffers against societal oppressions.
As the social ecological framework shows there are several levels -- including intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, community, and policy— and that determinants within these levels interact with one another to influence behavior and health outcomes. Studies have shown multilevel interventions which address determinants at a number of levels and mutually reinforce one another produce longer and more sustained effects than interventions that target only one level.
The National Roundtable on Evaluation of Multilevel/Combination HIV Prevention Interventions had the goals of examining the present state of the art of multilevel and combination HIV prevention interventions, both domestically and internationally; to define the significant challenges and scientific gaps in current evaluation methods and identify the most promising methodological approaches to address these gaps; and to guide the future agenda for HIV prevention research.
To address these method
This Quick-Start Guide is intended for community-based organizations that may be interested in partnering with academic researchers at UCSF to conduct community-based research. The Guide is a product of the Community Engagement Program of the UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI).
Launched in 2003, Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T.(Plan, Link, Act, Network with Evidence-based Tools) and its satellite site, Research-tested Intervention Programs (RTIPs), were developed to address the needs of public health professionals seeking evidence-based resources for their cancer control planning activities. A collaboration between AHRQ, CDC, SAMHSA and NCI was established and as a result the “one stop shop” of Cancer Control P.L.A.N.E.T. was born.
What is pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and is it effective in preventing HIV?
Prepared by Stephanie Cohen, MD & Al Liu, MD; SF DPH | Gabriel R. Galindo DrPH; CAPS
El panorama siempre cambiante de los antecedentes demográficos de los latinos radicados en EE.UU. nos plantea retos singulares para resolver las disparidades de salud de esta población, especialmente con respecto a sus necesidades de prevención del VIH. Los latinos son el grupo etno-racial minoritario más numeroso y con mayor velocidad de crecimiento en EE.UU., con un crecimiento del 43% entre el 2000 y el 2010.
The ever changing mosaic of Latino demographics in the US creates unique challenges to address health disparities of the population, especially when it comes to HIV prevention needs.