Local Evaluation Online (LEO)

Research Project
Through this project CAPS is partnering with the California Office of AIDS (OA) to provide on-going support for the Local Evaluation On-Line (LEO) system in California. LEO is a web-based information system that enables California’s prevention providers to systematically collect and access information that is critical to effectively prevent HIV infection. It provides primarily process monitoring and client-based evaluation data on a number of intervention activities (e.g., individual or group-level), and eventually it will provide data on how these local interventions are affecting HIV infection rates in the area being served. LEO combines all of the OA HIV prevention data-based systems into one integrated system. Our team will assist with the implementation process. Currently, our team provides programmatic technical assistance, including the use of data for evaluation of local programs’ effectiveness. We assist the OA staff on the development and implementation of HIV Education and Prevention Scopes of Work between the OA and the Local Health Jurisdictions, including assistance with the development of their LEO data-system and reviewing and approving interventions in the LEO system. Additionally, our evaluation and prevention scientists are currently analyzing LEO system data to learn more about the epidemic in California, as well as how effectively local and statewide efforts are at addressing the epidemic.
Research Date