Condom use Among Hispanics - Male
Hispanic Condom Use Study 1991 Questionnaire for Use with Males
TIME AT BEGINNING: ______________ Many of the questions we will be asking relate to sexual matters and it is possible that you may feel a bit uncomfortable. But please remember that your responses are completely confidential and that you may indicate if there are any questions you do not wish to answer. I would like to ask you some general questions about AIDS. Your answer can be "yes," "probably yes," "probably no," or "no." 1. Do you think it's possible to get the AIDS virus from a mosquito bite? Would you say yes, probably yes, probably no, or no? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (06) 2. Do you think it's possible to get the AIDS virus by sitting on a public toilet? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (07) 3. Do you think AIDS is a problem only for homosexuals and drug addicts? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (08) 4. Do you think it's possible to know by appearance if a person has the AIDS virus? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (09) 5. Have you personally known someone who had AIDS or was infected with the AIDS virus? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (10) 8 DON'T KNOW 6. How often do you worry that you might get the virus that causes AIDS? Would you say very often, often, sometimes, or never? (11) 1 Very often 2 Often 3 Sometimes 4 Never I'll be asking some questions about condoms or rubbers. 7. Would you like me to use the word "condom" or "rubber?" 4 CONDOM 5 RUBBER (12) 6 NO PREFERENCE (USE "CONDOM") The following items ask for information about how condoms/rubbers are used. If you have never used condoms/rubbers, your answers are still important to us. 8. Do you think vaseline is a good lubricant or cream for condoms/rubbers? 1 YES 0 NO 8 DOESN'T KNOW (13) 9. Do you think a condom/rubber should be unrolled before putting it on a man's penis? 1 YES 0 NO 8 DOESN'T KNOW (14) Now we would like to ask you some questions about your experiences with condoms/rubbers and other sexual activities. I will be using the word "partner" to refer to the person with whom one has sex. This information is very important for our study. Each person has different sexual experiences, so some questions may not apply to you. 10. How often do you carry a condom/rubber with you? Would you say always, sometimes, hardly ever, or never? 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Hardly ever 4 Never (15) 11. Have you ever used condoms/rubbers? 1 YES 0 NO [GO TO Q 15] 9 RA (16) 12. Have you ever used condoms/rubbers to avoid a pregnancy? 1 YES 0 NO 9 RA (17) 13. Have you ever used condoms/rubbers to avoid diseases? 1 YES 0 NO 9 RA (18) 14. How did you get condoms/rubbers? [IF RESPONDENT GIVES MORE THAN ONE ANSWER, ASK WHERE HE HAS BOUGHT THEM OR GOTTEN THEM MORE OFTEN AND CIRCLE ONLY THAT RESPONSE] [DO NOT READ RESPONSES] ______ BOUGHT THEM ASK: Where? 1 PHARMACY OR DRUG STORE 2 RESTROOM VENDING MACHINES 3 SUPERMARKET 9 RA (19) ______ GIVEN TO THEM ASK: Where? 4 AT A HEALTH CENTER 5 ON THE STREET 6 BY A FRIEND/RELATIVE 7 FROM A PARTNER 8 ELSEWHERE __________________________ 9 RA 15. In these questions we'll talk about a steady sex partner. A steady sex partner is a person one has sex with in an ongoing relationship and might be a spouse. Imagine that you will have sex with a wife or steady partner in the next 30 days. How often do you think you would use condoms/rubbers? Would you say always, more than half the time, half the time, less than half the time, or never? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS NOT APPLICABLE, SAY: "Even if you don't know, please try to guess."] 1 Always (20) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 9 RA 16. Imagine that you will have sex with a partner other than a steady partner in the next 30 days. How often do you think you would use condoms/rubbers? [IF RESPONDENT SAYS NOT APPLICABLE, SAY: "Even if you don't know, please try to guess."] 1 Always (21) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 9 RA 17. Have you had sex at least once in the past 12 months, that is, since [THIS MONTH] of 1990? 1 YES [GO TO Q19] 0 NO [GO TO Q18] 9 RA [GO TO Q18] (22) 18. Have you had sex at least once in the last 5 years? 1 YES [GO TO Q19] 0 NO [GO TO Q26] 9 RA [GO TO Q26] (23) 19. As I said, some questions may not apply to you. If a question does not apply to you, please let me know. When you had sex with your wife or steady partner in the last 12 months, how often did you use condoms/rubbers? Would you say always, more than half the time, half the time, less than half the time, or never? 1 Always (24) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 7 NO STEADY PARTNER 8 NO SEX PAST 12 MONTHS [GO TO Q26] 9 RA 20. When you had sex with a woman other than your wife or steady partner in the last 12 months, how often did you use condoms/rubbers? 1 Always (25) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 7 NO CASUAL PARTNER 8 NO FEMALE PARTNER [GO TO Q22] 9 RA 21. How many women have you had sex with in the last 12 months in total? ___ ___ NUMBER OF WOMEN (26-27) [90 OR MORE = 90] 99 RA 22. If you had sex with any male partner in the last 12 months, how often were condoms/rubbers used? Would you say always, more than half the time, half the time, less than half the time, or never? 1 Always (28) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 7 NO SEX WITH MALE PARTNER [GO TO Q24] 8 NO SEX AT ALL [GO TO Q26] 9 REFUSED TO ANSWER 23. How many men have you had sex with in the last 12 months in total? ___ ___ NUMBER OF MEN (29-30) [90 OR MORE = 90] 98 NO SEX AT ALL [GO TO Q26] 99 RA IF Q21 AND Q23 ARE 00, GO TO Q26 24. In the last 12 months, how often did you drink alcoholic beverages before having sex? Would you say always, more than half the time, half the time, less than half the time, or never? 1 Always (31) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 7 NO SEX LAST 12 MONTHS [GO TO Q26] 9 REFUSED TO ANSWER 25. In the last 12 months, how often did you use drugs before having sex? 1 Always (32) 2 More than half the time 3 Half the time 4 Less than half the time 5 Never 9 REFUSED TO ANSWER 26. Do you think you're going to have sex in the next 30 days? Would you say yes, probably yes, probably no, or no? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (33) 27. Is it possible to know beforehand if you're going to have sex? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (34) In the following questions I am going to ask your opinions about the use of condoms/rubbers. If you have never had sex or if you have never used a condom/rubber, please answer the questions trying to imagine how you would feel in each case. 28. Do you think condoms/rubbers are only for men having sex with female prostitutes? Would you say yes, probably yes, probably no, or no? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (35) 29. Do you think it's difficult to find places to buy condoms/rubbers? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (36) 30. Would you use a condom/rubber even if you had to stop to buy them or look for them? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (37) 31. Would you use a condom/rubber even if you had been drinking alcoholic beverages or using drugs? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (38) BLANK (39) 33. Would you be able to refuse to have sex if your partner didn't want you to use a condom/rubber? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (40) 34. Imagine that you used a condom/rubber the next time you had sex. Would you feel less sexual pleasure than if you didn't use one? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (41) 35. If you used a condom/rubber, would sex last longer than if you didn't use one? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (42) 36. If you used a condom/rubber, would you feel guilty? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (43) 37. If you used a condom/rubber, would you feel an emotional barrier with your sex partner? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (44) 38. Do you think the condom/rubber would cause a burning sensation? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (45) 39. Do you think putting on a condom/rubber would interrupt sex? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (46) 40. Do you think sex would be cleaner than if you didn't use a condom/rubber? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (47) Continue to imagine that you used a condom/rubber the next time you had sex 41. Do you think the condom/rubber would feel uncomfortable or too tight? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (48) 42. Do you think the condom/rubber might come off inside your partner? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (49) 43. Do you think the condom/rubber might break? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (50) 44. If you used a condom/rubber, do you think you might get cancer? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (51) 45. If you used a condom/rubber, do you think a female partner would get pregnant? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No 9 RA (52) 46. If you used a condom/rubber, would it be more difficult for you to ejaculate or come than if you didn't use one? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (53) 47. If you used a condom/rubber, would it be more difficult for you to keep an erection than if you didn't use one? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (54) In the following questions we'll talk about two types of partners: steady sex partners and casual sex partners. As you recall, a steady sex partner is a person one has sex with in an ongoing relationship. A casual sex partner refers to a person one doesn't know very well and has sex with only once or a few times. 48. Would you be able to use a condom/rubber with a steady partner? Would you say yes, probably yes, probably no, or no? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (55) 49. Would you be able to use a condom/rubber with a casual partner? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (56) Imagine that you were going to have sex with a casual partner and you used a condom/rubber 50. Do you think you could get a venereal disease such as gonorrhea or syphilis? Would you say yes, probably yes, probably no, or no? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (57) 51. If you used a condom/rubber with this casual partner, do you think you could get the virus that causes AIDS? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (58) 52. If you used a condom/rubber with this casual partner, would you worry less about giving a steady partner a disease such as syphilis, gonorrhea or AIDS? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (59) Imagine that you insisted on using a condom/rubber the next time you had sex with a steady partner, 53. Would it lead the steady partner to think you had had sex with someone else? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (60) 54. If you insisted on using condoms/rubbers, do you think a steady partner would get angry? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (61) 55. Would a casual partner get angry? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (62) BLANK (63-64) 58. If you insisted on using a condom/rubber, do you think a steady partner would refuse to have sex with you? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (65) 59. Would a casual partner refuse to have sex with you? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (66) 60. Imagine that you carried condoms/rubbers in your pocket or wallet. Do you think that your men friends would think badly of you? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (67) 9 RA 61. If you had condoms/rubbers with you, would a casual partner respect you more than if you didn't have them? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (68) 62. If a woman has condoms/rubbers with her, do you think she is willing to have sex with someone she just met? 1 Yes 2 Probably Yes 3 Probably No 4 No (69) Respondent ID __ __ __ __. (01-04) Card = 3 (05) In the following questions we want to know how much you would be bothered by some things that could happen to a person who used condoms/rubbers. These questions may seem repetitive but they are very important and we would appreciate your patience. The responses can be "A lot" "Somewhat" or "Very little" 63. How much would it bother you to feel less pleasure during sex? Would it bother you a lot, somewhat or very little? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (06) 64. How much would it bother you to feel a burning sensation in your sex organs? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (07) 65. How much would it bother you to interrupt sex? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (08) 66. How much would it bother you to feel guilty? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (09) 67. How much would it bother you to have a condom/rubber that feels uncomfortable or too tight? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (10) 68. How much would it bother you if a condom/rubber came off inside your partner? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (11) 69. How much would it bother you if a condom/rubber broke? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (12) 70. How much would it bother you if you felt an emotional barrier with your partner? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (13) BLANK (14) 72. How much would it bother you if you had trouble ejaculating? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (15) 73. How much would it bother you if you had trouble keeping an erection? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (16) 74. How much would it bother you to get a venereal disease like gonorrhea or syphilis? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (17) 75. How much would it bother you to have a steady partner think you had had sex with someone else? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (18) 76. How much would it bother you to have a steady partner get angry? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (19) 77. How much would it bother you to have a casual partner get angry? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (20) 78. How much would it bother you to have a steady partner refuse to have sex with you? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (21) 79. How much would it bother you to have a casual partner refuse to have sex with you? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (22) 80. How much would it bother you to have your men friends think badly of you? 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little (23) 81. Now, please tell me, how much would you like to have a casual partner respect you more? Would you say a lot, somewhat, or very little? 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (24) 82. How much would you like not having to worry about giving a steady partner a disease like syphilis, gonorrhea or AIDS? 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (25) 83. How much would you like to have sex feel cleaner? 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (26) For the following items, first tell me if you would like it or dislike it, then tell me how much you would like or dislike it. 84. Would you like or dislike having a female sex partner get pregnant now? How much, a lot, somewhat or very little? like it: 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (27) dislike it: 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little 85. Would you like or dislike having sex last longer? How much? like it: 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (28) dislike it: 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little BLANK (29) 87. Would you like or dislike using a condom/rubber with a steady partner? How much? like it: 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (30) dislike it: 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little 88. Would you like or dislike using a condom/rubber with a casual partner? How much? like it: 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (31) dislike it: 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little 89. Would you like or dislike carrying a condom/rubber with you? How much? like it: 6 A lot 5 Somewhat 4 Very little (32) dislike it: 1 A lot 2 Somewhat 3 Very little 90. How many of your closest men friends do you think carry condoms with them? Would you say almost all, more than half, half, less than half or almost none? [IF THE PERSON DOESN'T KNOW, SAY: "Even if you don't know, please try to guess"] (33) 1 Almost 2 More 3 Half 4 Less 5 Almost all than half than half None 7 NO FRIENDS [GO TO Q93] 91. How many of your closest men friends do you think use condoms/rubbers when they have sex with a steady partner? (34) 1 Almost 2 More 3 Half 4 Less 5 Almost all than half than half None 92. How many of your closest men friends do you think use condoms/rubbers when they have sex with a casual partner? (35) 1 Almost 2 More 3 Half 4 Less 5 Almost all than half than half None 7 NO FRIENDS HAVE CASUAL PARTNERS 93. Try to imagine how comfortable you would feel in the following situations. How comfortable would you feel buying a condom/rubber? Would you feel very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or very uncomfortable? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (36) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 94. How comfortable would you feel insisting on using a condom/rubber with a steady partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (37) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 95. How comfortable would you feel insisting on using a condom/rubber with a casual partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (38) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 96. How comfortable would you feel putting on a condom/rubber? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (39) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 97. How comfortable would you feel having a condom/rubber put on you? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (40) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 98. How comfortable would you feel using a condom/rubber with a steady partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (41) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 99. How comfortable would you feel using a condom/rubber with a casual partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (42) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 100. How comfortable would you feel being naked in front of a sex partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (43) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 101. How comfortable would you feel having sex with the lights on? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (44) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 102. How comfortable would you feel having sex with a new partner? 1 Very 2 Somewhat 3 Somewhat 4 Very (45) comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable Now I'd like to ask you: 103. Do you have any children? 00 NO YES How many? ___ ___ (46-47) 104. Have you been circumcised? 1 YES 0 NO 8 DON'T KNOW 9 RA (48) IF NECESSARY, ASK: Do you have a wife or steady partner who is a woman? YES [GO TO Q105] ***No [GO TO Q111] 105. Is your wife or steady partner pregnant? 1 YES [GO TO Q. 111] (49) 0 NO 7 HE/SHE CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN [GO TO Q111] 8 DON'T KNOW 9 RA 106. Is she trying to get pregnant? 1 YES [GO TO Q. 111] (50) 0 NO 7 HE/SHE CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN [GO TO Q111] 9 RA 107. Has she given birth in the last 3 months? 1 YES [GO TO Q. 111] (51) 0 NO 7 HE/SHE CANNOT HAVE CHILDREN [GO TO Q111] 9 RA 108. Have you or your steady partner used some form of birth control other than condoms/rubbers in the last 12 months? YES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>[IF THE ANSWER IS YES] Which kind? (52) [CIRCLE ALL THAT APPLY] 1 PILL 0 NO 2 IUD 3 DIAPHRAGM 4 SPONGE/FOAM/JELLY 5 DOUCHE 9 RA 6 WITHDRAWAL 7 ABORTION 8 OTHER ___________________ IF ANSWER IS YES, GO TO Q111 109. Is there a reason why your partner is unable to have children either due to an operation or some other cause? 1 YES [GO TO Q. 111] (53) 0 NO 8 DON'T KNOW 9 RA 110. Is there a reason why you are unable to have children either due to an operation or some other cause? 1 YES (54) 0 NO 8 DON'T KNOW 9 RA 111. Now I'm going to ask you some questions about how you have been feeling during the last seven days. Since [ TODAY'S DAY OF THE WEEK] of last week Were you bothered by things that usually don't bother you? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (55) How many days during the past week? [DO NOT READ RESPONSES] 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 112. Did you feel like not eating or was your appetite poor? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (56) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 113. Did you feel like you couldn't shake off the blues even with the help of family and friends? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (57) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 114. Did you feel depressed? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (58) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 115. Did you feel as if your life had been a failure? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (59) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 116. Did you feel afraid? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (60) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 117. Was your sleep restless? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (61) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 118. Did you feel lonely? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (62) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 119. Did you feel sad? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (63) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS 120. Did you have crying spells? O NO [IF THE ANSWER IS YES, SAY]: (64) How many days during the past week? 1 1-2 DAYS 2 3-4 DAYS 3 5-7 DAYS IF NON-HISPANIC, GO TO Q128 IF HISPANIC, CONTINUE BELOW 121. Now, please tell me, where were you born? 1 USA [GO TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTION] (65) 2 PUERTO RICO [GO TO Q. 123] 3 MEXICO [GO TO Q. 123] 4 REPUBLICA DOMINICANA [GO TO Q. 123] 5 COLOMBIA [GO TO Q. 123] 6 CENTRAL AMERICA [GO TO Q. 123] 7 SOUTH AMERICA, (NO COLOMBIA) [GO TO Q. 123] 8 SPAIN OR CUBA [GO TO Q. 123] 9 OTHER _______________________ [GO TO THE FOLLOWING QUESTION] FOR HISPANICS BORN IN THE U.S. OR COUNTRIES LISTED IN 9 ABOVE 122. The families of the majority of people living in the United States come from other countries. Where is your family from? [DO NOT READ ALTERNATIVES IF RESPONSE IS MORE THAN ONE COUNTRY, ASK:]"Which country is the majority of your family from or which country do you feel closest to?" [CIRCLE ONLY ONE] 2 PUERTO RICO (66) 3 MEXICO 4 REPUBLICA DOMINICANA 5 COLOMBIA 6 CENTRAL AMERICA 7 SOUTH AMERICA, (NO COLOMBIA) 8 SPAIN OR CUBA 123. How long have you lived in the United States? ___ ___ YEARS [LESS THAN A YEAR = ONE YEAR{01}] (67-68) Respondent ID __ __ __ __. (01-04) Card = 4 (05) 124. In general what language do you read and speak? Would you say Spanish only, Spanish more than English, both equally, English more than Spanish, or English only? (06) 1 Spanish 2 Spanish more 3 Both 4 English more 5 English only than English equally than Spanish only 125. What language do you usually speak at home? (07) 1 Spanish 2 Spanish more 3 Both 4 English more 5 English only than English equally than Spanish only 126. In which language do you usually think? (08) 1 Spanish 2 Spanish more 3 Both 4 English more 5 English only than English equally than Spanish only 127. What language do you usually speak with your friends? (09) 1 Spanish 2 Spanish more 3 Both 4 English more 5 English only than English equally than Spanish only ASK EVERYONE 128. How many years of formal education have you completed? ___ ___ YEARS (10-11) 129. Are you: 1 Married or living with your partner (12) 2 Single 3 Separated or divorced 4 Widowed 130. What is your religion? __________________________ (13) 1 CATHOLIC 2 CHRISTIAN OTHER THAN CATHOLIC 3 OTHER: (SPECIFY: ________________) 4 NONE 131. How important is religion in your life? Would you say: (14) 1 Extremely important 2 Very important 3 Important 4 Somewhat important 5 Not important at all BLANK (15-16) 133. Would you say that you live in a town, city, suburb of a city, or a rural area? 1 TOWN 2 CITY 3 SUBURB 4 RURAL AREA (17) 134. Could you please give me your Zip Code? __ __ __ __ __ ZIP CODE (18-22) [99998 >> DK 99999 >> RA] 135. Tell me when I get to the category that best describes your family income for 1990. [IF LIVING ALONE, ASK FOR PERSONAL INCOME] [READ RESPONSES] 1 Less than $10,000 (23) 2 $10,001 to 20,000 3 $20,001 to 40,000 4 More than $40,000 8 DON'T KNOW 9 RA As I already explained, your phone number was chosen at random. To avoid calling your house again, could you please tell me if there is another telephone number in your house? [IF THE ANSWER IS YES] What is it?__________________ Is there more than one number? OTHER NUMBER(S) ________________________ 136. NUMBER OF TELEPHONE LINES _______ (24) [INCLUDING THE ONE BEING CALLED] IF NON HISPANIC, GO TO PARAGRAPH BEGINNING: 'This is all for now." IF HISPANIC, CONTINUE BELOW 137. In the future, it is possible that we will do a study of sexual attitudes and behavior among Hispanic adolescents. The questions will be very different from the ones you just answered and will be appropriate for adolescents. To include an adolescent in that study not only would we need the adolescent's consent but also the permission of a parent or guardian. Is there an adolescent in this house who is 15, 16 or 17 years old? YES How many? _____ NO 0 [GO TO END] (25) Could you give me the name of the parent or guardian who could give permission to interview the adolescent, if we do call? ____________________________________________________ 138. Could you give me the name(s) of the adolescent(s)? ___________________________________________ ASK IF UNCLEAR: NUMBER OF FEMALES______ (26) This is all for now. My supervisor may call you back to validate that this interview was completed. Thank you for your help with this interview. If you would like any further information about AIDS or AIDS prevention, you can call this number 1-800-342-2437 [AIDS]. Would you like me to repeat that number? The call is free and you don't have to give your name. Again, thank you very much! __________________________________________________________ TIME AT THE END OF INTERVIEW:___________ 139. LENGTH OF INTERVIEW [ IN MINUTES] ___ ___ (27-28) 140. LANGUAGE OF INTERVIEW: 0 ENGLISH (29) 141. LANGUAGE CHOICE: 1 RESPONDENT 0 RANDOMLY BY INTERVIEWER (30) 142. INTERVIEWER'S NAME:_________________________ [ ___ ___ ___ ] (31-33) DATE OF INTERVIEW:_____________________________ INTERVIEW TERMINATED BEFORE COMPLETION 1 YES 0 NO (34) [IF THE ANSWER IS YES] __ __ __ ITEM NUMBER (35-37) IS RESPONDENT A MEMBER OF HOUSEHOLD? 1 YES 0 NO (38)
Research Date