
Healthcare workers

Can Healthcare Workers Help in HIV Prevention? revised 4/99 Are healthcare providers important in prevention? Yes. Healthcare providers have many opportunities to help foster the behavior changes needed to stem the spread of HIV infection. In the US in 1996, the average adult visited a physician 3 times a year.

Intercambio de jeringas

Más de un millón de personas en los EEUU se inyectan drogas con frecuencia, con un alto costo a la sociedad de más de 50 billones de dólares al sector salud, pérdidas de productividad, accidentes y crímenes. Quienes se inyectan drogas se exponen a contraer el VIH o la hepatitis arriesgando así su propia salud, la de las personas con las que comparten agujas/jeringas, sus parejas sexuales y sus descendientes.

Intercambio de jeringas

¿Sirve el intercambio de jeringas? (revisado 4/99) ¿por qué es necesario el intercambio de agujas/jeringas? Más de un millón de personas en los EEUU se inyectan drogas con frecuencia, con un alto costo a la sociedad de más de 50 billones de dólares al sector salud, pérdidas de productividad, accidentes y crímenes.1 Quienes se inyectan drogas se exponen a contraer el VIH o la hepatitis arriesgando así su propia salud, la de las personas con las que comparten agujas/je

Needle exchange programs (NEP)

More than a million people in the US inject drugs frequently, at a cost to society in health care, lost productivity, accidents, and crime of more than $50 billion a year. People who inject drugs imperil their own health. If they contract HIV or hepatitis, their needle-sharing partners, sexual partners and offspring may become infected. It is estimated that half of all new HIV infections in the US are occurring among injection drug users (IDUs).

Needle exchange programs (NEP)

Does HIV Needle Exchange Work? revised 12/98 Why do we need needle exchange? More than a million people in the US inject drugs frequently, at a cost to society in health care, lost productivity, accidents, and crime of more than $50 billion a year.1 People who inject drugs imperil their own health.

Paving the Road to an HIV Vaccine: Employing Tools of Public Policy to Overcome Scientific, Economic, Social and Ethical Obstacles

In June 1996, the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies published the second occasional paper in this monograph series, entitled Sustaining Support for Domestic HIV Vaccine Research: Social Issues Over the Long Haul of Human Trials. Authored by Chris Collins, the research was supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health and the University of California, San Francisco. This new report is intended to function as an update to the 1996 monograph.

Home testing

What Is the Role of HIV Testing at Home? Is home HIV testing feasible? Home-access testing for HIV met with virtually unanimous opposition when it was first proposed.1 Today, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), leading clinicians, gay activists and AIDS advocates have all endorsed home access testing.2 The barriers to home access testing have not been technical, as feasibility studies have demonstrated.3 Home testing has b

Prevención Posexposición

¿Que es la prevención pos-exposición (PEP)? ¿por qué PEP ahora? Aún no se descubre la cura del SIDA. La prevención continúa siendo la mejor forma de detener esta epidemia.

Prueba del VIH en casa

¿Que papel juega hacerse la prueba del VIH en casa? ¿será factible el examen casero para la detección del VIH? Cuando por primera vez se planteó la posibilidad de poner al alcance del público un estuche casero para la detección del VIH, esa se encontró con oposición unánime.1 Hoy en día los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en Inglés), destacados miembros del sector salud, activistas “gay” y los defensores de la lucha contra el SI

A Buenas Preguntas… ¡Mejores Respuestas!

A Buenas Preguntas… ¡Mejores Respuestas!: Un manual de investigación formativa para los programas de prevención de VIH de California que muestra cómo las organizaciones y los departamentos de salud pueden formalizar el proceso de investigación y usarlo para guiar y mejorar sus servicios. La investigación formativa ofrece la oportunidad de formular las preguntas que permiten indagar información clave sobre lo que se quiere o lo se está llevando.

Focus Group Questions for Sexual Negotiations

The following two outlines of focus group questions are taken from the Sexual Negotiations among Young Adults in the Era of AIDS research study. Prepared by Diane Binson, PI. Funded by the Universitywide AIDS Research Program, R94-SF-050. Instruments:

Good Questions Better Answers

Good Questions Better Answers: A Formative Research Handbook for California HIV Prevention Programs is for community agencies and service providers. The handbook shows how agencies and departments of health can formalize the research process and use it to guide and improve their services.

Married & Unmarried Latinos

The questionnaires for unmarried Latino women and men were used in a random digit dial telephone survey of 1500 Latinos in ten states in the U.S. These states contain 90% of all Latinos living in the continental U.S. The survey was designed to assess risk for HIV due to sexual behaviors as well as the variables that might predict sexual behaviors such as condom use.

Measures of Sexual Attitudes and Behavior of Latino Adults

Scoring: N/A Reliability and/or validity: Please see a description of the instruments. Marín BV, Tschann J, Gómez C, Gregorich SE (1998). Self-efficacy to use condoms in unmarried Latino adults. American Journal of Community Psychology. 26(1), 53–71.

Motivators and Barriers To Use Of Combination Therapies In Patients With HIV Disease

The successful two-drug combination therapy in 1994 and protease inhibitors in 1995 set the stage for a new era in treatment of HIV disease, creating a burst of optimism over the prospect that HIV might be a controllable disease. Initial studies of protease containing triple-drug regimens suggested that these combinations could, in some cases, slow clinical progression of the disease and prolong the lives of patients.

Substance abusers

Although sharing used needles is a high risk for HIV transmission, substance abuse and HIV goes beyond the issue of needles. People who abuse alcohol, speed, crack cocaine, poppers or other non-injected drugs are more likely than non-substance users to be HIV positive and to become seropositive. People with a history of non-injection substance abuse are also more likely to engage in high-risk sexual activities. Many injection drug users (IDUs) use other non-injected drugs primarily.

Usuarios de drogas

A pesar del alto riesgo de transmisión del VIH al compartir jeringas, la relación que existe entre el VIH y el uso de drogas va mucho mas allá del tema de las jeringas. Las personas adictas al alcohol, al “speed” y a la cocaína-crack, los “poppers” o cualquier otra droga no inyectada, están más propensos que aquellos que no usan drogas a ser portadores del VIH y a convertirse en seropositivos.

HIV/STD/unintended pregnancy

How Do HIV, STD and Unintended Pregnancy Prevention Work Together? Why is it important? HIV is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). HIV, other STDs (such as gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia and trichomoniasis), and unintended pregnancy are all adverse consequences of sexual behavior. If someone is at risk for unintended pregnancy or common STDs, that means they are engaging in an activity that could also put them at risk for HIV.

Post-exposure prevention (PEP)

What Is Post-Exposure Prevention (PEP)? Why PEP now? There is still no cure for AIDS. Prevention remains the most effective way to halt the epidemic.

VIH/ETS/embarazos no planeados

¿Como trabajan: la prevención de las ETS, del VIH y de los embarazos no planeados? ¿por qué es importante? El VIH es una enfermedad de transmisión sexual (ETS). El VIH, otras ETS (como la gonorrea, la sífilis, el herpes, la clamidia y la tricomoniasis), y los embarazos no planeados son consecuencias adversas del comportamiento sexual.