
Using science

How Is Science Used in HIV Prevention? Is science needed? Yes. While prevention science will not give “the answer,” science fills in critical pieces of the prevention puzzle. Science used in conjunction with an agency’s experience with clients can strengthen, inspire, target, and best use limited resources in HIV prevention programs. This fact sheet will cover some of the basic elements of prevention science, what they mean, and their implications for service.

Usuarios de drogas

Qué necesitan los usarios de drogas en la prevención del VIH? ¿están los usuarios de drogas que no se inyectan a riesgo de infectarse? Si. A pesar del alto riesgo de transmisión del VIH al compartir jeringas, la relación que existe entre el VIH y el uso de drogas va mucho mas allá del tema de las jeringas.

Utilizando la ciencia

¿Cómo se utiliza la ciencia en la prevención del VIH? ¿es necesaria la ciencia? Sí. Aunque la ciencia de la prevención por si sola no ofrece la respuesta, esta posee algunas piezas críticas del rompecabezas de la prevención.

Women who have sex with women (Lesbians)

What Are Women Who Have Sex With Women’s HIV Prevention Needs? Are women who have sex with women at risk for HIV? HIV risk for women who have sex with women (WSW), like for all people, varies depending on what they do.

Substance abusers

What Are Substance Abusers’ HIV Prevention Needs? Are Substance Abusers Who Don’t Inject At High Risk Of Infection? Yes. Although sharing used needles is a high risk for HIV transmission, substance abuse and HIV goes beyond the issue of needles. People who abuse alcohol, speed, crack cocaine, poppers or other non-injected drugs are more likely than non-substance users to be HIV positive and to become seropositive.

Sustaining Support for Domestic HIV Vaccine Research

By the time Kevin Shancady walked into the Denver Department of Public Health to enroll in an HIV vaccine trial, he'd managed to put most of his fears behind him: fears of a government hostile to gay men, fears that researchers might inject volunteers with a dangerous vaccine. "So many people have died," he said, "and I feel an obligation to advance prevention research. I'm willing to take some risk.

Adaptación de programas

Se pueden adaptar los programas de prevención del VIH? ¿para qué adaptarlos? Sabemos que muchas intervenciones de prevención del VIH han logrado hacer la diferencia y que los esfuerzos de prevención han ayudado a reducir las tasas de infección con VIH en diferentes poblaciones.1 Así como la epidemia del VIH cambia, igual ocurre con las cantidades y los grupos poblacionales afectados por el este virus.

Adapting programs

Can HIV Prevention Programs Be Adapted? Why adapt? We know that many HIV prevention interventions have made a difference, and that prevention efforts have helped to lower rates of HIV infection in many different populations.1 But as the HIV epidemic changes, so too do the number and groups of people at risk for HIV.

Ayudantes de enfermos

¿Son importantes los ayudantes de enfermos con SIDA? ¿cuál es la labor de los que cuidan de enfermos? Aquellas personas que de manera informal cuidan a otras infectadas con el SIDA (PWA por sus siglas en inglés) llevan lo que se conoce como ayuda práctica y cuidados de salud hasta los hogares. Usualmente es la pareja, el esposo(a), el amigo, o los familiares de alguien con SIDA y el personal médico.

Condom Use among Hispanics


What works in HIV prevention

We Know What Works in HIV Prevention -Why Aren’t We Doing More of It? What have we learned? Fifteen years ago, the first AIDS cases were diagnosed among 5 gay men in Los Angeles, CA. Since then, AIDS has spread to over half a million people in the US and is the leading cause of death for all Americans aged 25-44. Fifteen years have also seen great leaps in understanding how to prevent the spread of HIV.

Healthy Oakland Teens

Healthy Oakland Teens Description and Explanation of Study Instrument A questionnaire based on findings from earlier surveys was developed and pilot tested on junior high school students. The content and wording of the survey was modified based on pilot study results and participant feedback and used in the present study to assess demographic characteristics, HIV/AIDS/STD-related knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs, sexual behaviors and drug and alcohol use.

Healthy Oakland Teens

NOTE: The HOT Project ended in 1995. For a list of more recent, effective school-based sexuality/HIV education programs, please see - 

Healthy Oakland Teens (HOT)

NOTE: The HOT Project ended in 1995. For a list of more recent, effective school-based sexuality/HIV education programs, please see:

HIV Counseling and Testing Developing Countries

In developing countries where health resources are severely limited, debate continues regarding the relative amount that should be spent on HIV counseling and testing. While HIV counseling and testing has been promoted as effective for prevention, few controlled studies have been conducted.The Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing Efficacy study was a randomized clinical trial of the effectiveness of HIV counseling and testing for the prevention of new HIV infections.

Hombres gay (HSH)

¿Qué necesitan los HSH para la prevención del VIH? revisado 4/01 ¿qué necesitan los HSH? Los Hombres que tienen Sexo con otros Hombres (HSH ó MSM por sus siglas en inglés) no constituyen un grupo homogéneo sino que representan una amplia gama de personas con estilos de vida y necesidades de salud distintas.

Condom Use Among Hispanic Men

Marin, Barbara VanOss; Gomez, Cynthia A.; Tschann, Jeanne M. Public Health Reports v108, n6 (Nov-Dec, 1993):742-750 COPYRIGHT U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1993 Effective and culturally appropriate strategies for promoting condom use within the Hispanic community in the United States are needed urgently because of Hispanics' high prevalence of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD).

Hispanic Condom Use Study: Description and Explanation of Questionnaire

Instrument The survey instrument was based on more than 100 open- ended interview and 2 focus groups with Hispanics in San Francisco, held to identify Hispanic men's perceptions of the consequences of condom use with primary and secondary sexual partners, difficulties with condom use, and normative aspects of condom use. The instrument was developed originally in Spanish and a back-translation procedure was used to assure that the English version was equivalent in meaning.

The Public Health Impact of Needle Exchange Programs in the United States and Abroad: Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

[S]ubstance use plays a major role in the transmission of HIV disease-indeed, a much larger role than has been generally recognized.

Condom use Among Hispanics - Female

Hispanic Condom Use Study 1991 Questionnaire for Use with Females TIME AT BEGINNING: ______________ Many of the questions we will be asking relate to sexual matters and it is possible that you may feel a bit uncomfortable. But please remember that your responses are completely confidential and that you may indicate if there are any questions you do not wish to answer. I would like to ask you some general questions about AIDS.