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How to use this manual
What is formative research?
What do you want to know?
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A P P E N D I X    1

Archival data samples and resources
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The first place to look for archival data should be at the local Department of Public Health. The DPH should have statistics on STDs, drug use, pregnancies and other health-related matters.

California Department of Health Services
Center for Health Statistics
304 S Street, Third Floor
P. O. Box 942732
Sacramento, CA 94234-7320
(916) 445-6355

National Center for Health Statistics
6525 Belcrest Road
Hyattsville, Maryland 20782
(301) 436-8500
e-mail: [email protected]
Their web site contains FASTATS, a quick guide to a number of health-related statistics.

A web site that links to a host of federal statistics listed by region, such as health education, crime and economic statistics.

US Census Bureau
This web site lists not only population, but health, economic status, and many other statistics, with interactive maps and diagrams. Good for writing reports or presentations.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Division on HIV/AIDS Prevention
This web site has basic HIV/AIDS statistics for the US (not broken down into state or region) as well as copies of CDC slides that provide charts and graphs of US AIDS trends among different populations.

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Good Questions, Better Answers --  � 1998 California Department of Health Services and
Northern California Grantmakers AIDS Task Force  --