What do you want to know?
  Agency staff may have a lot of questions about their programs. Why
dont more people come to our workshops? How can we prepare our kids to make
responsible decisions about drugs and sex? Are clients happy with our services? Before
beginning to do research, its important to understand and refine questions as much
as possible. The questions may start out wide-reaching, but can be modified to reflect
concerns for various target audiences, such as youth, substance abusers, MSM of color, as
well as for geographic differences (rural, urban, suburban).
Consider the case of a program manager of a drug abuse treatment program who is
concerned that her agencys clients arent getting HIV antibody tested, despite
the fact that they are at considerable risk of HIV infection and that if they find out
that they are HIV positive, they can access early intervention services. Her first
question is:
Why dont our clients get HIV tested?
After further reflection she realizes that her primary reason for wanting her high risk
clients to be HIV tested is to enable those who test positive to obtain early intervention
services for HIV infection. Her question then becomes:
Why dont our clients get HIV tested, so those
who are seropositive can start early intervention treatments for HIV?
The program manager decides to ask her case managers and outreach workers this
question. She brings it up at a monthly staff meeting (informal focus group) and finds out
from her staff that there may be a number of reasons why certain clients have been unable
or unwilling to be tested. The actual process required for HIV testing is just one of a
number of barriers. One of the outreach workers also notes that barriers are different
among persons who believe they might be HIV+ as compared with those who believe they are
HIV-. They agree to focus on clients who believe they might be HIV+. Her question then
changes to:
Among clients who believe they are HIV+, what are the
barriers to getting tested and to subsequently obtaining early intervention treatment?
The program manager then asks her outreach workers to conduct brief interviews with
clients to try to learn more about barriers and how the agency can help overcome them. She
develops a brief series of questions for them to ask, leaving room for discussion.
At the suggestion of one of her case managers, she also sets up interviews with
managers from other public health agencies, such as the local clinic where many HIV+
persons are treated, the family planning clinic, the local chapter of AA and the HIV
specialist at the Department of Public Health.At the next staff meeting, they discuss the
results of their interviews and agree that barriers to HIV testing are very different for
men than for women who believe they are HIV+, that women who inject heroin are less likely
to seek out services of any kind, and that anecdotally, more women seem to be
seroconverting than men. Her question then evolves into:
What are the barriers to HIV testing and early
intervention for needle-using women who believe they are seropositive?
What kind of intervention can best serve the needs of
needle-using women who believe they are seropositive to help them access HIV testing and
counseling services and subsequent early intervention treatment?
From here, the program manager puts together an intervention development team that may
include: staff from her agency and outside agencies, staff from the DPH, a researcher from
a local university, volunteers, and selected clients. Using the formative research already
conducted, they develop and pilot test an intervention.