In-depth interviews
  An in-depth interview is a conversation with an individual conducted by
trained staff that usually collects specific information about one person. Every agency
conducts some kinds of interviews, whether its talking to a colleague about their
job, conducting client intake, chatting with friends at the AIDS Update
Conference, talking with clients before or after a workshop, or checking in with the high
school nurse.
In-depth interviews are often used when an agency doesnt know much about a
population and wants to get preliminary ideas from the participants. Some agencies use
in-depth interviews to obtain information that they can then use to develop quantitative
surveys once they have a better handle on whats going on with their participants.
Others find that interviews give them all the information they need without conducting a
later survey.
When you obtain your data via in-depth interviews you usually have a smaller sample and
do not use random methods to select your participants. As a result, the results may not
generalize to people who were not interviewed.
How are they used?
In-depth interviews can help:
Provide a history of behavior. When conducted
more than once or when conducted with someone who has been in the community for a long
time, interviews can show if any change has occurred over time.
Highlight individual versus group concerns.
Topics that may not arise in a group situation can be addressed in individual interviews.
Reveal divergent experiences and outlier
attitudes. Groups often do not allow you to see that experiences may vary person
to person.
Provide a shortcut to community norms. Interviewing
key community leaders (bartenders, favorite teachers, police officers, sex club managers)
can give a fast overview of a community and its needs and concerns.
Develop other research tools. Results from an
interview can be used to generate focus group questions or help form questions for a
survey.In-depth interviews can be different from focus groups in several ways:
Easier. It is often easier to speak to one
person and keep her attention than to address a group. You can also avoid major scheduling
hassles with only one person.
More detailed. In an interview you have a
chance to follow-up on questions and probe for meaning.
In-depth interviews can be more appropriate than focus groups in certain cases, even if
agencies are looking for community norms. For example, some men who have sex with men (MSM)
may not be used to speaking openly in a group. To get input on a program designed for
Vietnamese MSM, for example, individual interviews might be the best
NOTE: Often interviews are the best way to engage low-literacy populations. Structured
interviews can take the place of questionnaires for clients who may have difficulty
filling out forms.