, continued
Other suggestions:
Keep the questions simple, and ask about only
one thing at a time:
More helpful: What makes it difficult for you to insist on condom
Less helpful: Thinking about all your past sexual relationships, what
are the three things that have made it difficult for you to insist on condom use at times
when you or your partner have been drunk, especially if this has been a casual
Avoid yes/no questions, by asking
how? or what? rather than do you? or other such
questions that elicit yes/no or other one-word answers
More helpful: What was the most helpful part of the group you
Less helpful: Did you find the group useful?
Avoid asking leading questions
More helpful: What do you think of school-based sex education
Less helpful: Do you think sex education programs make more kids have
Make sure the person is able to answer the question,
that is, the question should address a topic he or she knows something about, so that they
dont have to make too many assumptions or guesses.
More helpful: How did you find out about needle exchange?
Less helpful: Do most IDUs in California know about
needle exchange programs?
Help people come up with ideas. Sometimes
people feel put on the spot by your question or simply find it difficult to come up with
ideas. If they really draw a blank, you can help them in a non-leading way by suggesting a
wide range of alternative responses. For example, when asking about what aspects of an
intervention the client might want to change, you can say, Sometimes people suggest
that it should be shorter or longer, that there be more peer educators, or more games and
activities, or that a different teacher should be used.
Use introductions to normalize answers
when asking questions about stigmatized behaviors. When you ask about sensitive or
stigmatized behaviors, people are often reluctant to answer you. Sometimes it helps to
preface your question with a brief statement such as, Many people tell us that it is
challenging always to insist on condom use; in what situations do you find that most
The process
People conducting in-depth interviews often use follow up
questions (also referred to as probing) to get more information or to clarify
statements already made by the participants. For example,
Please tell me more about that. or
How did that make you feel?
Stay away from questions that can be answered yes/no.
Body language. Show that youre
interested by maintaining eye contact and making sounds indicating youre listening,
such as um hum, I see, yes.
Dont cross your arms, doodle on your interview form, or check the time
repeatedly. Those behaviors will signal that you are not interested in what the
participant has to say and may decrease the amount of information you are able to obtain.
Silence can also be important. Some
interviewers feel uncomfortable when participants dont say anything. However, the
participants may simply be composing their answers. Give them time. If you interrupt them,
you may miss a thoughtful response.
Dont insist on an answer if the participant
seems uncomfortable. Forcing a response may simply make him or her even more
reluctant to answer future questions. It may also make the responses less valid.
Try to keep the participant focused on the subject.
A little drifting may be acceptable, but try to gently bring them back in a positive way
(e.g., I understand that you think teachers need to be paid more, and thats an
important issue. But right now lets focus on the role of sex education in
classrooms, OK?).
Common challenges/problems
Interviewer anxiety. It is important that you get
plenty of practice so that you are comfortable with the questions. Practice with a
co-worker or friend at least 2-3 times before meeting with a participant. If you are still
anxious, you could do your first interview together with a co-worker who is more
Interviewer doesnt like the participant. It
is all right not to like everyone you are interviewing. However, you also need to remember
that you are not interviewing the person to establish a personal relationship, but because
you are interested in his or her thoughts and feelings about your program. Since most
people doing this type of interviewing are likely to be outreach workers it may be useful
for them to take a moment and think about what pushes their buttons. If they really feel
it impossible to work with a particular kind of participant, it may be possible to
reassign those participants to other interviewers. Otherwise, their attitudes may limit
the usefulness of the data they collect.
Interviewer has emotional reactions to the responses.
It is important to realize that an in-depth interview is different from a counseling or
education session. Interviewers may find themselves shocked or alarmed at what they hear,
but it is important that they keep the goals of the interview in mind. Phrases like,
You had how many partners? are not likely to encourage the participant to
provide you with additional valuable and sensitive information. If you are really
concerned with the welfare of a participant, wait until the interview is over and then
provide him or her with referral information to a person or agency where the participant
can receive help.
Interviewer talks too much/ tries to influence
participant. This can happen almost unconsciously. Therefore, you may need to
carefully pay attention to your own speech. It can be difficult to keep your opinion to
yourself, especially if you are interviewing someone about a topic you really care about.
Again, however, please remember that the focus here is to solicit information, rather than
have a discussion or a debate about the topic.
What do the data mean?
When you analyze the transcripts from in-depth interviews, you place less emphasis on
statistics than you would when analyzing the results from a quantitative survey. To help
analyze in-depth interview data:
Read through the interview responses and look for patterns or
themes among the participants.
If you get a variety of themes, you may want to see if you can
cluster them in any meaningful way, such as by type of participant. You may, for example,
find that younger participants tend to think and feel differently from older ones or that
men and women respond differently. All of these pieces of information may be very
important as you make decisions about who to target with your program.
It is often useful to jot down some initial ideas about what you think
participants will say before you have read any of the transcripts. Then you can compare
these with the themes that emerge when reading the responses.
You can also identify the responses that seem to have been
given with enthusiasm, as opposed to those that the participants answered in only a few
words. The notations by the interviewer can be very helpful in this process.