sample observation procedure is taken from a research study at the Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS), University
of California San Francisco. Healthy Oakland Teens is a peer-led sexuality education
intervention conducted in an Oakland, CA middle school. This is an observational procedure
for determining how well the peer-led sessions are delivered. One of the program staff
(not a peer educator or teacher) sits in on the session and fills out this form at the
end. There is also space on the back for any observational notes or comments.
This observation technique is a very good way to get a feel for
how an intervention is going. Agencies often use focus groups to get similar feedback, yet
often it is difficult to get helpful answers in a focus group. For example, when asked
what would you change or do differently in this intervention? respondents
often say nothing, it was great, or suggest paying more money or having better
HOT Peer Intervention Evaluation
(to be completed by Session Facilitator)
Session #______ Period _______ Session Facilitator
Team members Check if
# of 7th graders present ______
1. Were all the activities in the session covered?
Completed/ Partially completed/Omitted
a. __________________________ ________________
b. __________________________ ________________
c. __________________________ ________________
2. Rate the clarity/quality of the delivery of the session overall on a scale of 1-5 (5
= Excellent, very clear; 1 = Poor, not clear): ___________
3a. On a scale of 1-5, how well did the 7th graders behave? __________
1 = Virtually everyone in class
was disruptive.
2 = More than half of the class was
3 = About half of the class was disruptive.
4 = Only a few students were disruptive.
5 = The whole class was appropriately
quiet and well-behaved.
3b. On a scale of 1-5, how well did the 7th graders pay attention and participate in
class? ____________
1 = Virtually no one paid attention or
participated in activities.
2 = Only a few paid attention and/or
3 = About half of the class was inattentive or did
not participate.
4 = Almost the whole class paid attention and
participated in activities.
5 = The whole class paid attention and
participated in activities.
3c. Did the teacher/ supervisor have to have to intervene?
For information # ___ yes ___ no
For discipline # ___ yes ___
4. Approximate number of questions in question box ____________